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The Video | CLITaurus | 4


Hannah looked her English paper. “C, you can do better”. *Fascist pigs* she thought *what you mean is ‘write what I want and show no creativity!’* Her poem was full of irony, angst and was in perfect ionic pentameter. She’d chosen it from the website because it was ‘deep’ and mirrored the ‘pain of existence’ or something. *Fuck! If I don’t get a B average at least Dad’ll never let me use the car over the summer.*

She was so engrossed in her funk that she almost tripped over a box lying on her doorstep. It had her name on it. *Oh! Prezzie! Maybe this day won’t be a total waste after all.* Inside was a video tape with no label and just a post it note saying ‘Watch this!’

*Whatever* thought Hannah *Maybe it’s porn! Maybe it’s really gross porn like some girl with a goat! That’d be Cool! Or maybe … Oh no maybe it’s for blackmail. Maybe they taped me sucking off Vincent at the party last week and they’re going to show everyone and my parents and I’ll never be able to go to another party. Oh God! I have to know what’s on this!”

She shoved it into the recorder, turned on the T.V. and pressed play.

All she saw was a bunch of flashing colors and swirl lines and there were these weird sounds. It was like what people who dropped acid were supposed to see. Like a drug trip on film. It went on for about a minute then the tape ended and it began to rewind.

*Well that was fucking boring!* thought Hannah before she heard the phone ring. She picked it up.

“Did you watch the tape?” asked a boy on the other end of the line.

“Yeah” said Hannah “It was lame.”

“Shut up. Take off all your make-up then come outside and get into the back of the blue car parked right outside your house.”

The phone rung off and Hannah found herself going toward the bathroom. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t stop herself taking off her make-up. Then she walked outside and saw a blue car. Totally unable to resist she walked over, opened the back door and got in. Beside her was a box.

“What The Fuck…” she screamed that the boy in the drivers seat and attempted to attack him

“Shut up and sit down!” he said “Don’t talk or move unless I tell you to!” and Hannah found she was unable to speak or move.

“Take off all your clothes” said the boy “then roll down the window and throw them out.”

As Hannah began to pull off her t-shirt the car started and they began to drive off.

Eventually she was naked and she wound down the window and threw her favorite outfit out the window. By this time she was crying with the effort of trying to fight the compulsion but it was no good.

“O.k. wind up the window open the box and put on the clothes inside. In the order they are in the box from top to bottom.”

Hannah did as she was told and found that the box contained a white cotton bra and panty set, a white shirt, a pleated green tartan skirt, a pair of white knee-socks (all neatly folded so as not to crease them) and a pair of Mary-Janes. It was a fucking Catholic Schoolgirl uniform! She started putting on the clothes, panties first, then bra and found that they were both her size. As she put on the rest of the clothes she realized they were all her size. Whoever this pervert was he had done his homework and hadn’t even made her shirt too tight (which she had expected). As she put the shoes on the car came to a halt.

The boy got out and came around to her door. He opened it and said “Get out”. She found herself looking at an old abandoned school building. The boy, who she now recognized from one of her classes, but whose name she couldn’t place, held out a pair of green ribbons. “Put your hair in pigtails with these.” He said and as she did so he clipped a clip-on tie to her collar and said “Welcome to Night School, Hannah.”


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