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The Video | CLITaurus | 5


“Once I hang up” said the voice on the other end of the line “You will follow these directions exactly not pausing between them to do anything else. Unlock your front door. Remove all your make-up and all your clothes. Go to the bathroom and run yourself a bath. Take a shaving razor, get in the bath and shave off every strand of hair on your body below the neck line that you can reach. Take the pink dye and dye all the hair on your head. Get out and put on all the clothes and make-up that came with the video.

The phone hung up and suddenly Hannah found herself going to unlock the door before removing her clothes while walking toward the bathroom to take off her make-up. Even before she was at the mirror her mascara was running from the tears as she fought to stop herself. It was no good she went through the steps in order, just as she had been commanded. Just as she was putting the last pink bow in her now violently pink hair she heard the front door open.

“Is that you Dad?” she yelled then wondered if she wanted her father to see her like this.

“I’m sorry, dear” said the female voice that she recognized from the phone. “I hope you kissed him goodbye this morning because that will be the last he sees of his little girl.”

“You Bitch what have you …”

“Silence” ordered the woman and Hannah found herself unable to speak. “I have watched you Hannah. I have seen how little effort you put into life. It seems to me that you would prefer to do nothing and just lie in bed all day. Well congratulations, I’m about to fulfill that dream. From now on you will be a living doll in my House of Living Dolls. Big boys and girls will come and play with you every day. Doesn’t that sound fun?

Hannah looked at the woman in horror. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be.

“O.k. time to go little Hannah Doll.” Said the woman “Your new life awaits. Walk out to the van and get in.”


Does somebody stop them?



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