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The Last Spunkbender | Oeymarjed47 | 3


Ok, you live somewhat outside the captial city of the Fire Nation, your parents are rebels and have ingrained in that same hatred. You are also a Spunkbender a special type of bender that has the ability to control and manipulate his jizz, you can also control the size of your cock. A Spunkbender can also control the sexual urges of the opposite gender. You've become quiet good at your form of bending from all the girls you've either seduced or raped. Most of the girls begged you to fuck them, they could not resist your 13 inch dick. Now you've been camping out in the woods near the capital city for almost three months now and you know you will need to fuck something soon. While relaxing by a tree one day you suddenly hear someone walking toward you.


Who is it?

          Princess Azula


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