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Serial Impregnator | TheVillian | 21


The Friday classes were even less productive then usual for you, but then again- if one accounts for it being the Friday before Spring Break it makes sense. And, Ms. Jackson didn't leave a phone call- oddly. You didn't notice really, not at first. You had got so into your grading that you didn't notice until you were done at almost 9 PM.

But, the good news is that the week seems completely free. Sandra's party should be coming up, though she hasn't picked a date. Ingrid specifically asked for you to help her role play being attacked by the Wedding Bells Rapist- completely unaware that he's you.

What really grabs your attention is the manila envelope waiting in your apartment mail when you get home. Ms. Jackson was the return address, just her name.

Wisely waiting until you are back in your apartment to open it, what's inside is. . .interesting.


Dr. Heiss-

With Spring Break I figured you'd have some free time. I guess you can say I've been called back to the main office. Your situation has ruffled a few feathers.

So in the mean time, let's take advantage of your free time. Remember, call before you commit to a single target so we can make sure that's she's alone and has taken her meds. Otherwise, enjoy! Don't think you'll run out before next Sunday, but if you do- call.



The rest of the envelope contains files on women to service. Some are faces you've seen before- many are new. Ten in all, and you have until the Sunday before class reconvenes from Spring Break to hit as many as you can. Interesting idea.

Ms. Allbright makes a return, a brunette with smaller scale breasts but an amazing ass. While not married per se it's only because the bisexual Ms. Allbright is not legally allowed to marry her partner, but has entered into an official civil union.

Mrs. Hearst also returns, a black woman whose husband has decided he's gay. Whether this is honest self-discovery or personal manipulations is unknown. What is known is that he hasn't had sex with her for years.

Mrs. Rayne is also shown, and nothing has changed on her file but a note that the tests should be done by that Thursday. Obviously, if she's going to be a "victim" it can't be before then.

Next comes two women who signed on because of a desire to punish cheating husbands. Another Brunette named Mrs. Rothchild and another Asian named Mrs. Wu. Both of them with just enough chubbiness to have some very nice curves. Definitely not fat, just curvaceous.

The next 4 have sterile husbands who need a loophole. Mrs. O'Connelly is a ginger very athletic girl, Mrs. Lawson also has red hair but is almost her opposite- a petite gamer chick gifted with a high metabolism. Mrs. Petrov is a blond somewhere in the blessed middle, a Russian mail order bride whose husband blames her for his infertility. Mrs. Polyxena is a daughter of Greek immigrants in a similiar boat.

Finally there's Mrs. Littledove, a Native American woman whose husband got a hysterectomy and has aspirations of pornstar-dom. Supposedly he's accepted that he won't be allowed to watch, let alone tape but it's advised he be watched just in case.

Mentally, you add Ingrid to this list as well. Heh, looks like a rather bust week ahead of you indeed.


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