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Chyoo Laboratories | LordXorph | 3


Dr. Marcos takes you to a large window, looking out into a mostly empty trial room. There is a metal table in one corner, and standin in the middle of the room is a naked asian girl. She's quite small, about five feet tall and has a terrific tight little body. She's shaved, has small but firm breasts and has shortish hair. It looks like she's looking straight at you, but since the window is mirrored on her side you know she's just admiring her own reflection.

"She's only going to be testing a gag." you say. "Did you tell her she didn't need to strip off?"
Dr. Marcos smiles, "Yes, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Not that we're necessarily complaining..."

Dr Marcos walks over to a computer terminal and speaks into a microphone. "Now we're ready to begin. Have you ever worn a ball gag before?"
The girl nods.
"Good. This is going to be something like that. Go over to the table and pick up the sphere on it."
The girl walks over to the table, and you make sure to watch how her firm butt moves. She picks up the object. It's a dull black synth-rubber ball about three inches across. The girl comes back and Dr Marcos says, "Now, put it in your mouth."

The girl looks at the ball dubiously, sniffs it once and then pops it into her mouth. Her eyes widen as the ball dissolves, filling her mouth with liquid synth-rubber. Alarmed, she tries to spit but that instant it becomes solid again and won't come out. When she stops trying to expel it, it becomes liquid again. She tries to pull it out with her fingers, but that doesn't work either.

Dr. Marcos says, both to you and to the girl, "It's designed to be more comfortable than a regular gag. You can move your tongue and jaws, but it still performs the essential functions of a gag. Preventing you from speaking or removing it." The girl wiggles her jaw around, confirming what Marcos said, but she can't close her mouth all the way. You can see the black fluid rippling just behind her teeth.

You watch as Marcos fiddles with the computer. The gag changes color from black to pink, then to green and blue, and back to black. The subject seems impressed too. "Now let's test the shape changing routines. I've stored a number of standard shapes in the computer. The gag can change into just about anything of up to four times the volume to the original sphere. Observe."

The gag goes solid again, and the girl seems confused. Then the synth-rubber shifts and an instant later it looks like she has a big black dildo sticking out of her mouth. The girl's cross-eyed look of surprise makes you chuckle. The shape shifts again and it looks like she's sucking on a pink pacifier. She looks angry.

Marcos says, "Didn't like that, honey?" The girl shakes her head. "Well, you're going to HATE this then!" She pushes another button.

The gag shifts again, forcing the girl's mouth wide open. At the same time the color changes to very near the girl's skin color. It flows over her lips and her eyes widen. A deep indentation forms in the middle, and a few seconds later the girl has a rubber cunt in her face where her mouth should be. She realizes what she's seeing in the mirror and claps her hand over the orifice, shaking her head in horror. Then she takes her hand away for another look. Trembling, she sticks two fingers inside. When she pulls them out again they're wet, slick with her saliva.

Marcos says, "That was the last test. Thank you for your time. You may leave now." The gag becomes a sphere again and the poor girl pulls it out and throws it on the floor. She screams something you can't hear because of the soundproof room, but you don't need to be a lipreader to know that four letter words are involved. She pulls her clothes on as fast as she can and then, blushing bright red, runs from the room.


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          If the omni gag's replicate feature works.


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