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Diva's Downfall | LordXorph | 3


Jenny Markham was Crystal's most adoring fan. The nineteen year old had been a short, dumpy girl with bad skin in high school and was unpopular as a result. With few friends, she'd become withdrawn and eccentric and used to fantasize about being pretty and glamorous like her idol Crystal.

She'd had a late growth spurt and was now quite attractive. Standing five foot eight, with long brown hair and pale grey eyes, she got a few admiring glances from men- as well as lingering stares at her slim figure and handful-sized breasts. But she was unaware of this and still thought of herself as an ugly outcast and her obsession with Crystal increased every day. Then she learned on a fan site that her idol would be coming to her home town for a series of concerts.

Giddy with excitement, she almost didn't hear the insane voice in her head at first. But over the next few hours and days it became insistent: "Capture her, Jenny!" it repeated over and over. "Own her, and you will become what you always wanted: confident, pretty and successful."

"But you have to put her in your place!" said the voice in her head. "Humiliate her, make her feel as worthless as you always felt."

Jenny smiled crazily. And with the precision and attention to detail that only obsessed fans can manage, she began to plan how she was going to make Crystal hers.


What has Jenny got in mind?

          the trap is set


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