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When The Cat's Away | whizzper | 38


"Hey Kate, Bryan?" Sandy asked, one ear still to the phone. "You want to come meet my sister?"

Bryan looked at Kathryn and said quietly, "This is the sister who got Sandy into sex parties?"

Kathryn laughed softly. "Uh-huh. And when Sandy invited her boyfriend to join her at a party, they walked in on his parents. You game?" She winked. "Or d'ya want some 'alone time' with me?"

Bryan smiled at his love, "I'd love alone time, Kate. But then I'd love to meet Sandy's sister. Everything I've heard about her sounds awesome."

Sandy's smile broadened at that, "So, yeah we'll be there in a half hour or so...Right, see you later sis."

Peter stood up from the table, "So we'd better get going now." He looked to his mother, "Don't wait up now..."

Sally laughed at that, "You aren't a teen anymore, Peter. And besides that, I'm tired enough to just fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow tonight. Actually, not tired, just run down from the traveling."

Jim nodded, "I know what you mean. So, no we aren't going to be waiting up for you all, but I'd like to say be careful. Especially you Kate, it is getting dark out there and..."

"Yes daddy." Kathryn said in a little school girl's tone of voice. This of course caused everyone at or by the table to laugh again.

Jim had to wipe his eye from some tears before he could continue, "You know what I mean. I mean you aren't my kid and all that, but over the last week I've come to like the person you are. And you Bryan. I don't want to see you hurt yourself."

Sandy wrapped an arm around Kathryn, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of her. I'd never want to see her hurt."

Bryan nodded, "That goes for me too, I couldn't bear to see her hurt."

Kathryn smiled gratefully at everyone, "Thank you..." she said quietly.

"Now go have fun." Sally said, as she stood up from the table and kissed her son, then Sandy, then Kathryn and finally Bryan.

"Have sweet dreams, Mrs. Walker." Bryan said as he stood up, then blinked at her raised eyebrow, "I mean, Sally."

"Much better. Mrs. Walker makes me sound old. Not there yet..." Sally responded.

Five minutes later the two younger couples got into Peter's car and started the drive to Peggy Wise's apartment. Sandy in the front seat with Peter, and Kathryn and Bryan cuddling in the backseat.

Peter glanced to Sandy, "So what do you think your sister will be wearing when we get there?"

"Knowing her?" Sandy said, "She'll probably be wearing..."


What will Peggy be wearing.

          Probably a long T-shirt over nothing much


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