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Quiet Streets | brevdravis | 4


You pick your way across the deserted parking lot. The feeling of isolation becomes stronger as you walk along the lines of empty cars. After a few minutes of walking, you reach the main street, and look down it in either direction.

There is a light breeze in the air, and from a long way off, you think you hear an excited shout. It sounds as if many voices are being lifted in a single shout, like at sporting match. Intrigued, you begin to head in the direction of the sound, strolling along the deserted sidewalks of the town. As you walk you notice destruction everywhere: looting damage, as well as a few buildings that look burned. Intent on trying to locate the source of the sound, you are startled when a feminine voice calls out behind you.

"No! Don't go that way!" The voice calls from a small window above you. You look up to see a woman with short blonde hair waving at you, motioning you into the building. She is looking frantically in the direction that you believe the shouts came from.

Intrigued by her, you look at the building. There is a narrow stairway at ground level, leading up to a solid metal gate at the top. You don't see any other people around, and so take a closer look at the face in the window.

She is angular, with a drawn haunted expression. Her eyes are hopeful, but pleading at the same time. She points in the direction of the stairwell, then disappears from sight for a moment.

A bit confused, but interested, you approach the stairwell. The steps are worn and well used, but sturdy. You ascend them rapidly, and as you reach the gate, the woman from the window appears at the other side, a key in her hand. You have a good look at her body, and note that she is very attractive, if a bit tired looking. Her body is well proportioned, and she moves well, with a rapid, furtive grace. Her hands do not shake as she rapidly opens the gate and gestures you inside.

"Name's Amanda. Good thing I stopped you." She says as you enter the gate. She closes it behind you and locks it securely. "You must've been really lucky to avoid those guys for the past few days."

"Uhm, Thanks," you respond, a trifle confused. Those guys? What guys? "My name's ," you say by way of introduction. "Mind telling me what's going on here?"


What's Amanda's deal?

          Amanda's story

          Amanda leads you into a trap?


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