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The Animorph Pet Shop | voidhawk | 16


As much as the idea of once again sinking your cock into Noir appeals, you feel it's only fair to taste her in return. As she grinds her body against yours, you seize her mouth with an intensity that surprises her. She moans into your mouth and closes her eyes as you wrestle with her tongue before breaking away to suckle your way down her throat. "Maaaaaster..." she says breathlessly, "Please... Please fuck me! I need you inside me." Before long, she is gasping, squirming, and running her hands through your hair. Finally sliding your mouth from her supple neck, you take a hold of her nipple and suck hard, causing Noir's head to snap backward with a high pitched squeak. She tries to speak, but doesn't seem to be able to in her breathless state, but her grinding pussy says everything that she wants to; she's hot, soaked, and wants you more than anything.

Grinning ferally, you sweep your hands across the table, scattering dishes to the floor, and life Noir up and practically drop her onto the table. Her eyes snap open in surprise, with just a hint of fear, as you tower over her prone form. You marvel as you watch her breasts rise and fall quickly before trailing down to her wet slit. After a tense moment, you lower yourself to your knees and kiss her inner thighs.

Noir looks down her body at you as you stare at her face over the contours of her body. "Master! What are you... Oooohhhhh!" her question ends abruptly as you take a long lick from the opening of her pussy all the way to very bottom of her clit. Her claws dig furrows into the wooden counter top and her eyes flutter and shut tight in expectation of your next lick...

After a long pause, and no sensation beyond the teasing of your breath against her lips, she opens her eyes and looks down at you. Exactly what you were waiting for, you grin wolfishly, and suck one of her lips lightly into your mouth. Her eyes roll up into her head, but she snaps them back onto you, understanding the game. "Good girl..." you murmur up to her, "Good girls keep their eyes open." Before she can respond, you go back to licking, and to her credit, Noir manages to maintain eye contact until you sucked her clit from underneath its hood. Her mouth opened in a scream so high pitched, you could barely hear it.

Not content to let poor Noir cum once, you continue to suck, bite, and lick her until she squeezes her thighs against your head so tightly that you fear suffocation. But, oh, what a way to go! Finally, relenting after four orgasms, you rise from kneeling and simply enjoy a few moments of watching Noir come down from her orgasmic plateau; her breathe coming slowly through open teeth, nipples standing proud, wings shivering, and her body just seems to melt with released energy.

Carefully lifting her light body up into your arms, you carry her up to your bedroom. While carrying her up the stairs, her head lolls next to your ear and you can make out her murmuring, "Master... Oh, masterrrrrr.... So goooood. I... looooove Master..." You grin, and kiss her cheek gently, making her purr deeper.

Of course, as relaxed as your bat-girl is, you still have a hard-on that could be used to hang laundry...


Does Noir get any rest?

          put her to bed


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