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The Animorph Pet Shop | voidhawk | 15


You've always been a sucker for a pleading woman, and looking down into Noir's begging eyes, you don't think you could deny her anything she wanted... Of course, her quivering, warm body and lightly scratching nails prove to be equally as persuasive; not to mention more than a little bit arousing.

When you nod your head, she smiles brightly and squeal girlishly, making you smile. "Oh, you won't regret this, Master!" she says, getting more excited each second, "and I'll just take a little, and I'll be very gentle, and you won't feel a thing, and... Oh Master! You treat me so well!" Her giddiness is contagious, and you can't help but smile wider, and she straddles your lap. She slides your bathrobe off of your shoulders, and presses the entirety of her slight body against your chest and growls quietly, stroking your arms and side affectionately.

Placing your arms on her hips, you feel a slight tremor of fear go through you; you've never tried any blood play with any girlfriends before, and while you trust Noir not to injure you, accidents do happen...

"Noir, baby... I haven't, er... Done anything like this before..." you stammer, hoping not to break her cheerful spirits.

"Not to worry, Master!" she chirps happily, "I'll just nip your big, warm, strong, shoulder and take a taste. Nothing to worry about!" Looking into her eyes, you decide to trust her and lean back in your chair and try to relax. After a moment, Noir's weight shifts on you as she settles more fully onto your lap and gives your neck a long lick, trailing down to your shoulder. Her hot shuddering breath against your skin is electric and your cock rises to full attention, pressing up and against her inner thighs.

You only enjoy her breath against you for a moment before Noir bites down, making you yelp. Oddly, you don't feel much pain at all, and as she begins suckling lightly, you feel a completely new pleasure, like nothing you've felt before. Your apprehensions dissipate immediately, and you simply revel in the wonderful feeling of your bat-girl feeding on you.

As she tastes your blood, Noir moans heatedly into your skin and presses herself more fully against you, rubbing her breasts against your chest in little shudders. You feel her nipples harden to little points as she squirms, and at each downward movement, your rock hard cock presses against her rapidly moistening lower lips. You are unsure how long this exquisite teasing torture goes on for, but Noir finally pulls her mouth from you, and leans back. You focus on her beautiful glazed eyes as she pants heavily and licks her lips clean. It's easy to see that your blood has one hell of an effect on her, and her arousal is every bit as strong as yours.

"Oh... Master... You taste so gooooooood... So pooowerfulllllll" she almost purrs. Breathing heavily yourself, you are painfully aware of your dick pressing against her now soaking entrance, and it would only take a good push from you, and you could be inside her once again.


A morning delight after her snack?

          enter her

          She moves

          You have to taste her...

          decide to bite back


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