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The Facility | LordXorph | 5


Bethany awoke suddenly. For a second she was disorientated but the memory of her abduction last night came back quickly. She was in a bright room with polished metal walls, and she seemed to be strapped naked to some sort of medical restraint frame with her legs apart and her arms above her head. There were what felt like leather straps around her wrists, ankles, stomach, neck and forehead so that she couldn't move. Her mouth was filled with something that felt liquid and tasted rubbery so she tried to spit. Instantly the substance solidified in her mouth and would not come out, but as soon as she stopped trying to spit it turned back into liquid. Very odd.

She noticed a cool breeze on her head and realized her long blonde hair had been shaved off. Grunting and struggling, she managed to get enough slack to look down at her body. Yep, her pubes were gone too, but her body was otherwise unmodified as far as she could tell. Bethany tried to yell for help and again the goo in her mouth froze up and only a muffled whimper could be heard.

"Welcome, Miss Bethany Sandford." came a voice over the PA system. "It was very unfortunate for you that you tried to interfere last night. But very fortunate for us. You see, our organization is always eager to stay one step ahead of the competition in technology but we are reluctant to experiment on people we've been hired to turn into slaves because something permanent might happen to them. So you can imagine we're always pleased to get a girl we don't have to try to sell."

What? What the hell was going on? Bethany grunted and struggled to free herself, uselessly.

"I can see your liquid gag is working well. Would you like to know more about it, or shall we begin another experiment on you?"


More experiments?

          The Medusa System


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