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Sinister Urge: A Zombie Survival Story | Dizzy21 | 5


Kelly legs made a failing attempt to hold on to the car door, but the person carrying her was so strong that she was pulled away effortlessly.

"JACE, HELP!!!" she managed to scream at the van before she was carried off. The van was becoming out of sight.

As she tried to gather the situation, she looked around to see many figures around her all following the person carrying her. All of them intently looking at her, as if she was some kind of snack. These were the zombies she has heard so much about. From the one's close to her, she could see the blank-slate eyes and semi-rigid, abnormal body movements. She cried out in terror and screamed for Jace.

The person carrying her was very strong in its grip. She was being carried like you would carry and laundry basket with one arm--at the hip. No matter how much she squirmed and moved, its grip was stiff and still.

After what seemed to be 3/4 a mile walk, she was thrown to the ground. She sat up and looked around, through her tears, and saw that she was in the middle of a forest. She could not see much around her, everything about the scenery was blocked by their bodies. The must have been a hundred of them. They all to a step closer.

The one that stood closest to her, the one who had carried her to this place, knelt down next to her and reached out at her...


What they want?

          Super Gangbang


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