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Sinister Urge: A Zombie Survival Story | Dizzy21 | 4


"JACE! Are you OK?" Kelly yelled to her brother. She could hear the struggle, and managed to glance back to see the two figures against each other. She turned back to suddenly and surprisingly see a large rock she was about to run into. She was able to steer the hulking van from an accident, but immediately looked back to Jace as she set the vehicle straight.

As she turned, a hand grabbed her from the back seat and she lost control of the van. The van drove down an unexpected hill and awkwardly crashed into a tree. Everything and everyone in the van flew to the left side (where the van hit the tree). Kelly knocked her head a bit against the window, all windows shattered, and then, everything was still. No movement. Not even Kelly who was alive and awake. She slowly turned around to look at Jace and both figures were lying down, motionless.


She looked figure closest to her more closely, "Jace? Wake up, please!" A muttered response came from Jace. "Jace say something."

"I can barely move. I hurt everywhere, but I'm pretty sure it's dead." Jace said without motion.

"I think we need to get out of here. We have to go now." Kelly said.

"Kel, I don't think I can." Jace made a weak-looking attempt to move. "It hurts too much."

"I'm not going without you!"

Just then, she was grabbed by the neck by someone through the driver's seat window, and after a couple of tries, tore her from her highway home and her brother.

"JACE, NO, HELP!!!!"


What's going on?

          Pulled Apart


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