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Sinister Urge: A Zombie Survival Story | Dizzy21 | 3


Jace managed to doze into a light sleep after a half hour of weary thoughts. The time was a bit after midnight and the van, and its surroundings, were all quiet--well, quiet for a countryside sense. Cricket-noise and frog-croaks galore. A calm breeze ran the fields and rustled the trees as a full Moon and a million stars shown the land.

Kelly tossed a little and found herself awake. She readjusted herself to get comfortable, making sure to move slowly and quietly to keep Jace from awakening. As she did this, she looked around to the view around the van. The light kept the area from being pitch black. Much could actually be seen. She was a big fan of stars and tried as she could to find the best view possible while limiting her commotion. She stared long and hard with admiration of the nature of stars. She managed to find a few constellations that she new, and as she gazed intently at the bright stars, "THUD!"

The very loud noise seemed to have come from something that hit the car. The vibration could be felt, confirming that the car had been hit.

Jace jump awake, "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know" Kelly practically screamed as she sunk into her seat with her arms and legs clinging to her torso.

Then again, another THUD! Kelly jumped with fright as she instinctively yelled and buried her face in her hands. Her tears began to lightly run.

Jace layed his seat all the way back and jumped to the middle seats of the minivan, trying to get a glimpse of who or what it was that could have been doing this. His hand also reached for the handgun. "It could be one of them, I'm not sure!"

His eye caught a motion the in far back window. He faced the window with his shoulders square and the handgun ready. "Get in the driver seat and get us out of here!" Just after he had said that, a manish silhouette stood up in the very window he was looking at. Kelly was making her way over to the wheel, as Jace shot. The gun-blast screamed in their ears. A sound so deafening that Jace now had regretted the shot and wishes he had held. The glass cracked like a spiderweb and the silhouette disappeared.

Kelly screamed after the shot, but still managed to crawl into the driver seat and start the van.

When she turned on the headlights, she saw 10 or so figures. She assumed the worst out of fear. She stuck it in hear and told her brother to hold on as she slammed the pedal. Just as she got rolling, something crashed through the back window and startled them. Jace whipped around to find a moaning figure trying to crawl in. He jumped back to it as it crawled fully in and pushed Jace to the side. Resisting Jace, pushed back and the struggle continued.

A few figures made for the van as she got going, but as she picked up speed, they bumped off the van as she plowed through them. Though she had only driven some fifty yards, her eyes were very teary and she could barely see no matter how many times she wiped her eyes.

"JACE! Are you OK?"


What happens?


          Drive through the night.........


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