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Quiet Streets | brevdravis | 4


The light is dimming rapidly, as you try to catch a few licks of sleep. You know that if you're going to try to get out of here in the dark you need to be at full awareness. Finally, you can no longer see your hand in front of your face, and you figure it is a good time to go.

You fumble with the flashlight, turning it on to illuminate the room. The familiar environs snap into sharp focus, as you take stock of what you have. Not much, unfortunately. You slide your gun into your hand, and guide it by the light of the flashlight. Making as little noise as possible, you undo the deadbolts on the door, and leave the room.

You make your way towards the stairwell that you tried earlier. This time you hear no sound upon opening the door, and so move forward onto the stairs. The darkness, is deep, split only by the light of your flashlight. You proceed up the stairs, until the final door leading to the main floor of the mall. Carefully, you open it, and step out into the hallway.

It is quiet, and a slight breeze blows through. You reflect that it probably means the mall is open to the outside. Carefully moving the flashlight back and forth to check every corridor you pass down, you head towards the source of the breeze. Off in the distance you can see a faint radiance that you believe comes from starlight. Turning another corner you see the front entrance to the mall, and the parking lot beyond. A few more steps and you'll be free of this charnel house.

As you watch, you suddenly see the beam of another flashlight, moving in the direction of yours. You abruptly switch yours off, and look for the source of the other light. It moves slowly, and uncertainly, and you can't tell anything about the person holding it.

"Hello?" You hear a call off in the distance. It's a female voice, rather uncertain. "I know someone's there! Who is it?"

You pause, uncertain whether to answer the voice. This might have been the screamer you heard earlier, but at the same time, it might be the person who caused the screaming to occur.

"HEY!" The voice is a lot louder now, and you can sense fear in the tremor of it. "Answer me! I know you're there!"

The flashlight is moving off, in a different direction than you. You wonder if you should call out and reveal yourself. It is nice to hear a human voice. On the other hand, perhaps you should try sneaking up on the person and catching them by suprise. A little caution never hurt.


Call out, or sneak up on the woman?

          Call out.

          Sneak up on her.


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