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School Is Cool | ironmonkey | 1


"Ladies." He grins and swaggers off, two cheerleaders in tow.

How cheesy!

"Ladies," you mimic his voice and put on your toothiest grin as you copy his wanky walk. Your two mates laugh as they watch your parody of the jock who saunters off down the hall.

High school has increasingly become one big joke for you over these last few months. You used to be that average kinda kid, the one who isn't real popular but isn't a geek either. You had your select group of close friends and kept a pretty low profile socially. You got pretty good grades through all your subjects and were usually up near the top of your class. Although quiet your teachers liked you and seemed to mostly have a bit of a soft spot for you.

But things were changing with you. School and all it's students were too much of a joke right now to keep quiet and continue cruising safely under the radar. Psychiatrists would have been quick to point out the catalyst for this sudden change in attitude; your parents recent troubles and impending break-up. But you tried not to let it phase you too much.

One of your teachers had sent home a letter to your parents, concerned about an apparently negative attitude you seemed to be garnering. He'd asked you if there was any trouble at home.
Why did they always assume that your fragile psychi had been damaged by your parent's fighting or that you were screaming out for attention? Bah! All bullshit. You were simply sick of saying and doing little. You need to express yourself and fuck the consequences.

So you stand there in the hallway in your faggy private school uniform, laughing with your friends as the bell for first class rings. Off to...ah, biology.

You reach your classroom a little late and walk through the door.


What happens now?

          Miss Winters...

          Mrs. Moffat is angry!

          Student teacher Ms. Cabitza is on today...

          A Student teacher is on instead....

          There's no teacher!


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