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John Almighty | Murakami | 12


In the front of the room, Veronica quickly recomposed herself and got redressed, with a speed that would have caused most people to guess she did this a lot, if not for the fact that she had been a he just recently.

The bell rang, signifying the end of the lesson, and the class left, everyone buzzing about what had just happened.

Evan headed towards the doorway, Sara and Mitch on either side of him. He was grinning ear to ear, Mitch was just staring back and forth between him and the teacher, and Sara couldn't stop blushing.

"Hey, drop by at the end of the day," Veronica called to them as they left. "I'll be happy to see you. You can bring your friends too if you like," she added, slowly licking her lips.

A couple of students have arrived for second period already, but they don't seem to have any reaction to the unfamiliar teacher at the front of the room or her comment to you. Sara's blush has increased even further.

Out in the chaos of the hallway, the trio headed quickly down the hall. Their second period class was on the opposite end of the school, so between the distance and the crowd, they had no chance to talk. Sara made a couple stabs at it, but never got past 'umm...' before the noise or a person interfered. As they rounded the corner into the English wing, the buzz of conversation in the hall suddenly quieted, and everyone just stopped, frozen.

Evan looked around. Mitch and Sara were just as motionless on either side of him as the rest; Mitch was frozen in mid step, his foot hanging in the air in a posture that should have been impossible for him to maintain.

"Mitch, what's going on?" Evan asked. "How are you doing that?" There was no response. "Sara?", he said, looking to the other side. There was no reaction from her, and Evan taped her on the elbow, trying to shock her out of it. Nothing. He tried pulling on Mitch's arm. That should have forced him to compensate to avoid falling, but instead it was like pulling on a statue.

"What's going on here?" Evan practically shrieked to no one in particular, giving in completely to his panic.


"I've stopped time," a voice said from behind him.

          The Irresponsible Party


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