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The English Teacher | destrier | 2


You 'accidently drop your copy book. Mrs. Taylor glances down as youstoop below the level of her desk. You pick up the book and quickly steal a glance at her grey stocking clad legs. Her high heels accentuate her shapely calves and the stockings look sexy as hell. As you folow her legs up she uncrosses and re-crosses her legs. Her skirt pulls up her thigh some more and you glimpse the dark grey band of the top of the stocking. You dick starts to strain your trousers and as you start to stand you see the white triangle of her panties. You cock becomes rock hard.
Mrs. Taylor shifts in her seat. "Have you got it?"
'Fuck , yeah!' You almost say. "Yes, Miss. Here it is." You stand back upand hand the book to her. Your cock has created quite a tent in your trousers. If Mrs. Taylor notices it she doesn't show it. You turn quickly and rush from the classroom. 'God, you need a wank', you think to yourself. Hurrying to the toilets to pump your cock, you picture being between Mrs. Taylor's thighs as she sits on the edge of her desk. You pumping your enlarged cock in and out of her tight pussy. You cum quickly with a loud groan, large spurts of cum shoot across the toilet, dripping down the seat onto the bowl.


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