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The English Teacher | destrier | 1


You look down at your assignment. English is one of your favourite subjects, mainly because you are good at it. You've always possessed a good imagination but ever since the start of this year you've had another reason to like English. Mrs. Anne Taylor, your years new English department teacher. Since this is your last year and you'll probably never see her again you'd love the chance to be with her. Hell, your birthday is in a week or so. You'll be eighteen, so it won't be illegal or anything. You'd say she's in her mid-thirties, not stunning but she is quite pretty. At five foot four she's quite short. To compensate she wears low comfortable heels most of the time. Sometimes, however, like today, she wears four inch high heels. These ones are grey.
You quickly glance at her. Your seat is right at the back of class, diagonal to her desk, so your staring doesn't arouse her attention. You can clearly see her skirt and legs though. She has a mid grey woolen skirt that ends just below the knee, although with her legs crossed legs it's drawn up her thigh a few inches. Your gaze is fixed on her smokey grey stockings. Instead of a blouse she's wearing a t-shirt with horizontal blue and white stripes. Although it's not tight you can still tell she has large breasts as they bulge nicely against the cotten. For the first time since her classes began, you feel really attracted to her. Mrs. Taylor glances up and looks from student to student. You quickly avert your gaze back to your copy book.
Finally the lesson comes to an end and you really want to wank. You keep picturing what is only a few more inches up her thigh, hidden by the heavy skirt. You get up and walk over to her desk to hand in your copy book. As you near Mrs. Taylor she looks up and smiles at you.
"Well, let's see what you produced today." Her breasts look heavy against the t-shirt. You feel you bulge begin to grow.


Do you hand in the assignment or 'accidentally' drop the copy book?

          Hand it in

          'Accidently' drop the book

          She has you read with her.


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