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All Girl Summer Camp | Spongmaster | 3


Before you can even suggest any other idea, Maria decides what to do next; "Let's check out this Island!" Jenny and Maria begin to pull you off with them. You give in to the situation and submit, you might even start to enjoy yourself.

"We have to go down to the docks and get some canoes."

"Wait, we have to head out there ourselves, no boats drive but the equivalent to the island?"

Jenny starts to giggle. "You must not have camped much."

The docks aren't too far away, but sparse seems to be the common thread between all these places. A single hut not too far from the shore holds all the canoes and paddles, while the dock itself is, well, not that big. You could use the dock to get a good running jump into the water. The water looks like a giant sheet of crystal; you could almost walk on it.

A 'sploosh' sounds to your left as Jenny and Maria push the canoe in. The three of you climb in and start paddling out. The Island isn't that far, in fact you can already see the dock on the island that you will be landing at, but it still doesn't seem that fun. Water keeps splashing up on you, you are having trouble getting a good grip on the paddle, and Jenny's legs (who happens to be sitting behind you) are pressed tightly up against your sides, almost locking you in. By the time the canoe is three quarters of the way there your shirt is completely drenched. Wearing a white shirt and a skimpy bra was not a good idea.


Something comes flying out of the water and scares you right out of the boat. Not knowing what to do the paddle goes flying right up in the air, your arms go flying, and before you know it you are under the water. Looking around everything seems dark, except for one direction where the sun is puncturing through. Swimming towards it you break out of the water right next to the canoe. Jenny and Maria have lost it and are laughing enough to make the canoe nearly tip over.

You realize what made the huge splash; a blonde comes up next to you giggling. "Sorry about that," she says, "I didn't mean to startle you so much. You have to admit it though, it was pretty funny." You shake your head and crack a smile; you recognize her as Chrissy from the bus. It's a good guess that she is the one in charge here, and getting on her bad side could be bad.

"I was out taking some of the new girls for a swim and showing them the island, guess you are too," Chrissy says to Jenny. You swear that a wink passed between the two, but it was so fast you couldn't tell. "Well have fun you three," she says as she dives back under the water. She gracefully slides into the water, and as she does you notice her nice firm naked buttocks...wait a minute naked?

"I think she was skinny dipping," you exclaim.

"Yeah," Jenny says, "didn't you know that. Clothing is optional here."

"You mean on the island? Girls just walk around naked?"

"No," Jenny says. She smiles and you realize she is joking. "I mean the whole camp is clothing optional." Well you were wrong, she isn't joking. You start to wonder if your parents know anything about this camp when the signed you up for it.

"Hey Jenny, are you a good swimmer?" Maria asks.

"Yeah I'm pretty...." Maria shifts her weight to one side of the canoe fast enough to flip it over, plunging both her and Jenny into the water. For a little while you are treading water, alone with nothing but an upside down canoe. Then both Maria and Jenny break the water next to you. "Well, I guess we all swim in together." She grabs the paddles and all of you start swimming.

It doesn't take long to get to shore. Once on shore, Jenny starts to strip naked.

She gets down to her underwear before you even notice. "Whoa, I don't know if I am comfortable with this."

Jenny smiles at you. "Trust me, it's OK, it's nothing you don't have. I just want to get my cloths dry. Plus you will probably have to shower with other girls at some point anyway." Maria shrugs and starts to strip to.


What happens next?


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