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The Facility | LordXorph | 4


Bethany was sure the weird latex girls were somehow involved with the disappearances, and suspected that Megan had been under the influence of something worse than alcohol. She decided she had to follow them and try to find out more. It would make a great story for her paper.

She waited until the girls had gone, then put down her book and quietly slipped out after them. Bethany caught sight of them heading towards the car park at the back of the dorm. They were moving slowly because it was difficult to maneuver Megan while wearing those ridiculous high heels. And the more Bethany watched, the more certain she became that Megan was feebly trying to resist being taken away.

Careful to stay in the shadows, Bethany moved after them as they turned the corner into the car park. Now that they were out of sight she moved a little quicker- she had to see what was happening before they could drive off.

She got to the corner and peered around. The girls had opened the back door of a large black van and were loading the semi-conscious Megan into it. Bethany crept closer, hoping to get a look at the other contents of the van, and the license plate. Suddenly she realized that only two of the abductors were putting Megan in the van; she'd lost track of the other two.

Without warning she felt her shoulders being grabbed from behind, and a sharp stabbing pain in her right buttock. "HEY!" she yelled and whirled around. It was the other two girls. They hadn't been fooled at all and knew they were being followed.

She tried to push past them but she suddenly felt weak and dizzy. With horror she realized she'd been injected with something, some sort of tranquillizer drug. She opened her mouth to scream for help, but one of the girls slapped a latex-covered hand over it. Bethany tried to fight, but the two abductors were too strong and she was getting weaker by the second. As her consciousness became dimmer she felt the girls' hands all over her, caressing her face, fondling her breasts and stroking her thigh under her skirt. And, in the moments before she passed out, she heard one of them say, "You shouldn't have tried to interfere. It's going to go SO bad for you." Then Bethany blacked out.


What happens when Bethany wakes up?

          She is Masked...

          Latex mermaid

          Guinea pig...

          Bad dreams...


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