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Wifey's Adventures | 11kestrels | 8


Darlene decided perhaps going with the old bum was a lot better than dealing with the gang of teenagers, or whoever was in the black van. "Okay, you can show me where it is" she said to him.

The bum smiled a toothless grin at her. "It's right down here" he said, pointing to an alley. "You have to walk about half way back, but don't worry it's lit back there." He took her hand in his and led her down the street. Cat calls came from the group of teens as they passed by the two of them. "Hey, looking good mamasita" said one of the teens. "You wearing any panties under that dress?" another voice said. "Maybe we oughta find out."

The old man turned and looked at them. "Leave the lady alone, boys. She's with me."

"Sorry Riccardo. It's cool. We'll be on our way" answered one of the teens Darlene surmised must be the leader. They all laughed and walked on down the street, leaving her and the old man alone.

Darlene was surprised by the old man's courage. She thought for sure the gang of teens would stop them, and at least give them a hard time. "So your name is Riccardo? Mine is Darlene" she said. "Thank you for your help."
"No problem, Darlene" Riccardo said. "A pretty young lady like you shouldn't be left alone in a neighborhood like this."

They finally reached the entrance to the alley. It was a dark walk back, but Darlene could see a well lit area ahead of them. Riccardo took the lead. "Just follow me, and stay close" he told her. He plunged into the alley with Darlene clinging to the hem of his dirty jacket.

They walked about half way to the light when they heard tires squeal, followed by the sound of gunshots. "Gang war!" Riccardo exclaimed. He pushed Darlene into what could only be described as the smelliest pile of rubbish Darlene had ever smelled. She landed on top of it, and suddenly found herself tumbling down the other side. Finally she stopped tumbling. She lay there on her back, the wind knocked out of her. She suddenly saw the flash of headlights on the side of the building next to her. She lay there quietly, paralyzed with fear, as the headlights continued past her, moving on down the alley.

Darlene didn't dare move for some time. What happened to Riccardo? Was he all right? Then she felt something furry crawling up her legs. Whatever it was stopped at the hem of her dress, and was now tugging at her dress. No, it wasn't tugging, it was more like chewing. Suddenly more of the furry creatures descended upon her, ripping away at her dress. They started squeaking, and she knew it was rats! They were after her dress because of the garbage she had tumbled over! The scent was all over her! She didn't know what to do. Should she stand up and shake the rats off, perhaps giving away her position to whoever was out there? Or should she silently lay there and let the rats make a meal out of her dress, effectively stripping her to her underwear?


Shake the rats off? Or let them play strip a MILF?

          Play strip a MILF....


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