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The Rebounder | bold-fencer | 3


You decide to try Callie, a friend of yours from high school who you took out on a couple of dates just for the two of your to relieve some sexual tension. Callie is tall, maybe 5'10", slim, with small B-cup breasts...or at least that's how she was in high school. She has since married another friend of yours, Ralph, who had taken an interest in her in high school when you didn't follow up your dates with any serious attempt at a relationship. They've had a couple of kids since then and you don't see them very often. But you're very lonely and the memory of her sweet smell as you probed into her pussy with your fingers in the front seat of your car all those years ago has you hard and wondering if she still remembers those times fondly, too.

You dial her number and get her voice mail. "Hi, uh, Callie. This is . I...uh...was thinking about you, and realized that it's been a long time since we talked. I miss talking to you. Give me a call, let's see if we can catch up sometime."

You feel pretty silly after ending the call. What were you thinking? The most you ever got to do with her was feel her up; she never even saw you naked, so why would she want to spend any more time with you than did?

Your self-pitying reverie is broken a few minutes later when Callie calls back. "Hi, , how are you? It's funny you called...I was just thinking about you, the other day, too."

"Nothing bad, I hope...?"

"No, no, just remembering old times, and how our group has kind of drifted apart as we got older."

"Well, I have time to talk now, if you want to catch up."

"Right now's not so good, as I've got the kids with me and need to get them lunch."

"Well, maybe another time, then...?"

"Oh, definitely. I want to catch up, see how you're doing. We've just been so busy lately."

"And I want to catch up with you, too, see how you're doing. I miss talking to you."

"I heard about you and breaking up. I'm so sorry, ."

The memory of it hits you like a punch in the gut. But you refuse to break down again. You're trying to forget her! But Callie hears your silence on the phone.

"You know what? I'm going to be dropping off the kids at my mom's house after lunch at 2. I was going to get a pedicure, but if you want to meet me, we could have a cup of coffee or something..."

Your heart lifts; here's a woman who does care about you, some. "Yes, I'd like that."

"Let's see..." Callie's voice fades as she berates a kid in the background, then comes back, "We could meet at the coffee shop on 4th street, or you could meet me at my mom's house. Do you still remember how to get there?"

You experience a vivid flashback of Callie, stretched across your lap, her shirt pulled up so that you could lick her breasts, your right hand down the front of her jeans, nestling your fingers between her nether lips..."Yes, I remember. I'll meet you there at 2."

"OKay, at two then! I'll see you, !"

You practically dance around your apartment, but then get a glance at yourself in the mirror. You're a wreck! You hop into the shower, shave, and feel like a new man when you come out, somehow finding some clean laundry to wear: comfortable button-fly jeans, leather shoes, a slightly too-small T-shirt (it was the only one clean) and a leather jacket to cover it. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you seem much more presentable now. You make yourself a sandwich for an early lunch, then brush your teeth and put on a dash of cologne (you recall that back in high school you wore the same kind every time you and Callie made out). Then you hop in your car.

The drive to Callie's mom's house brings back even more's weird, coming back like you're in high school again. Your hormones are raging now, too, remembering the tight skirts Callie used to wear to get your attention. Why you didn't go all the way with her then, you don't know.

You pull up a few minutes after 2, and Callie's minivan is parked out front. You get out of your car and walk nervously up to the front door, suspecting that this looks like a booty call. Though you wouldn't mind some action, you suspect that such intent wouldn't be welcome for your married friend's perspective.

Callie steps out of the front door as you walk up. She's still tall, but she's put on a bit of weight since you last had your hands on her body. Two pregnancies have expanded her breasts, widened her hips and plumped up her ass a bit, so overall the effect is quite pleasing. Callie pushes a lock of blond hair back behind her ear and smiles at you. "Ah, , I was wondering if you'd show up."

"I wouldn't dream of disappointing you, Callie."

She looks at you for a moment, saying "Well, I know how hard it's been for you. I just want you to know that I want to help, any way I can."

Your pulse quickens. Is she flirting with you? Deciding to interpret it as an innocent remark, you give her a hug for greeting, feeling her fuller breasts pressing against your chest, as you hold her for a moment longer than is necessary. "Callie, I've missed you."

"I guess so!" Callie says as you pull away from each other. "I've missed spending time with you, too, ."

You stare at each other for a moment. "So, what do you want to do?" Callie continues. "Do you want to get that coffee?"

"Sure," you nod, "Which car do you want to take?"


Your car, or the minivan?


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