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Lust of the jungle flesh | Sixth | 12


The creature was spent but Alice felt as if she could barely move. Her body tingled with the creatures physical efforts. Her body tingled in response to whatever chemical-cum the beast had pumped into her. The spot that had landed on her lips tasted so good. It was almost as if she wanted more.

No! She shook her head silently and rolled over. “Get serious!” she scolded herself silently. Beside her the red thug panted. Its eyes were now fully clothed. Its huge chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. It seemed momentarily stunned.

Alice wasn’t sure how long that moment would last for but she knew it may be her last chance. She began to crawl.

On her hands and knees she edged back towards the cave mouth. She crawled though some of the remains of the dark furred creature. It had been torn asunder.

Alice knew that at any minute, at any second, she might feel the curl of the red thug’s fingers around her ankle. That would be that. She would be dragged back into the cave and if she wasn’t eaten that night she would be fucked until she broke.

The cave’s exit seemed so far away.

After what seemed like ages on the cave floor; ages surrounded by death; ages only an arm’s reach away from a short life as a flesh toy; Alice reached the exit.

It was bright outside. The sounds of the jungle seemed so much more welcoming than before. She was exhausted. Looking up the way Alice regarded the path she had taken to reach the cave. Could she haul herself all the way back to the top? No. The only way was down.

Slowly, cautiously, Alice tipped herself backwards over the lip of the cave cliff and started downwards. At least, she thought, she could use her arms and fingers more for this part – her legs felt as if they were turning to jelly and might give out at any minute.

The climb down took forever. The climb took longer than any hand and knee crawl over the floor of an unpleasant cave but at least there were no scorpions or stinging creatures to content with as she made use of the thick vines which grew up the base of the cliff.

She knew she had to move again. Standing out in the open at the foot of the cliff made her too easy to spot. The red creature would easily spot her if it left the cave. If there was another black creature around then it took would be able to see her. Alice knew she would have to make it the three of four metres from the foot of the cliff and back into the jungle.

Alice also knew she wasn’t alone. All her senses told her she was being watched. She had to do something though, either take a chance and dive into the forest or succumb to the tiredness in her legs and body and collapse.


Is there an escape for Alice?


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