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Three Girls and a Swelling Cock | DruulEmpire | 17


Ben stared in shameless brain-dead tit-greed as Sue and Jen's breasts expanded beyond mere melons, even watermelons, to become beach balls bordering on weather balloons. As he touched them, he realized not only that they were pillowy soft but also rather unbelievably light and bouncy. These were the breasts of his most boob-crazed fantasies come to life, and their new owners were squealing with delight.

Ben felt certain that he had just achieved paradise -- but then he happened to look up and notice Sue and Jen. Their faces were subtly altered to maximum sexiness, but their bright toothy grins were somehow a little too broad, and their eyes were a little too wide. They seemed to be transforming into cartoonish caricatures of the ultrafeminine, rather like those Bratz dolls, though obviously so very much more matured in body and bosom. They batted crazily long eyelashes.

But the eyes themselves concerned Ben. They were pure white.

For a moment, Ben wondered if they were simply playing around, rolling their eyes up. Yet there was no return to normal. Their eyes were now all right, although somehow their sense of vision seemed intact.

"Oh, fuck, Sue, our tits feels so fucking fantastic!" gushed Jen. "Oh, bigger, bigger, bigger, more, more, more! More sperm, Ben, more! More more MORE!"

Ben was now officially freaked out. These were women made perhaps too sexy for their own good, more creatures of infinite sexual appetite from out of his own lustful fantasies than any normal human beings.

"Yeah, um ... I need a bathroom break," Ben declared, and slid away from them.

"Awwwww BEN, we need your BIG COCK!" wailed Sue.

Ben turned to the girls just before he opened the bathroom door. Their bustiness was simply impossible, bulging outwards to eclipse their upper arms, projecting more than a foot forward. Their bosoms were so bouncy, so easily hefted about, that they seemed more balloons than boobflesh.

"Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do," said Ben, and bolted himself in.

Ben tried to think. He had to bring an Off switch to this whole process, and Sue and Jen were obviously too far gone to help with that.

He opened the window. Under ordinary circumstances he could have had an easy time of it, but fitting not only himself but his stubborn two-foot erection was damn awkward. Still, he landed on some grass.

His luck continued, not only as no one noticed him, but as he realized that they had all been too lust-addled to take proper care of the car. The door was unlocked and the ignition key was still there. Struggling to keep his aching two-footer angled downward, he drove off.

He hated abandoning them, but he really needed some place to cool off and get life back to normal. But where? Home seemed dubious -- so much was going on with his mother than he sensed things could easily go wrong.

He checked the key ring attached to the ignition key. The key to the cabin! It was unusually early to be going up to the cabin, but the weather was flukishly nice. Sue might catch on, but maybe he could take control of the situation. All he wanted was to cool off, both sexually and literally ...


Does Ben make it to the cabin, or some other destination?


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