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Bishop To Queen’s Porn | 24ward | 5


Seanna wasn't the only one using the computer lately; her 21-year old sister Caitlyn O'Meara had recently moved home and was using her teenage sister's computer to look for a job and send out resumes. Caitlyn had worked for almost a year as a stewardess for a regional European airline, but recently she and other low-seniority staff had been laid off in a cost-cutting. Caitlyn had been scouring around for a new job as a stewardess, but leads were slim. She started to despair she'd have to work as a waitress, or even answering phones in her dad's shop!

And so it was that the information yielded from the infected computer made certain people aware of the sisters, and led to a job offer overseas...


Black's turn?

          Black: king's bishop Bf8>g7


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