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Naruto's World | nelo | 52


**The last part of it was copied from WriterReader**

Either of the girls waited for the other to go ahead and peer into the next room, when the groans started again. Suddenly, Sakuras face got very pale as she had a scary thought. "I-Ino... you think... this hotel is haunted?", she asked her friend.

Initially, Ino wanted to laugh at her friend, but then a howl was heard that really put the fear into Ino. "N-no way... you think so?", she wondered, getting infected by Sakuras jumpiness.

"Uuuhn...", another ghost-like moan echoed through the room, making the two girls jump into each others arms.

"H-Holy crap, I th-think you're r-r-right, Sakura!", Ino stuttered, the normally brave girl now being uncharacteristically frightened by the thought of ghosts.

"K-Kurenai-sensei is going to be alright, isn't she?", Sakura asked Ino.

Naturally, Ino didn't know. But, she felt that she had to get a grip and set a good example for Sakura here. "Of course... maybe it's just this room... weeeelll, at least it's not mine... I'm going back to my own now.", she declared, but she couldn't do so. It was not because of her shaking legs, no, it was because Sakura still clung to her.

"Ino~.", the pinkette whined pitifully.

"What? Stop clinging to me, forehead girl.", Ino growled, now getting a little ticked at her.

"Please let me sleep with you, I can't stand being alone after this. Please?"

At first, Ino had all the wrong images in her head for some reason. But then she realized that Sakura had wanted to sleep next to her, not really WITH her. She was looking for comfort, and if she wanted to be honest, Ino was also in needl for the company. "A-alright...", Ino responded, and Sakura smiled up to her friend thankfully.

"Ooooooooh~", another scary groan was heard, and in the blink of an eye, both girls were in Inos room, the shoji shut and they huddled together in Inos futon.


Naruto was laying under Kurenai, her breasts pressed against his body as she laid out on him, breathing heavily. “Wow sensei… that was even better then last time!”, Naruto grinned while Kurenai sighed.

“Yes it was… now remember: This is the last time, Naruto!” Kurenai said quietly, more to herself then him as he looked at her. “You keep saying that sensei, but we always do it.” Naruto remarked, making his teacher sigh again.

“Damn it! Why is it so good”, Kurenai said, aggravated that she had done it again with Naruto, making it the third time she had broken lines with him to engage in the act.

“Well I don’t know the reason sensei… but if it's good, why deny it?” Naruto said making her look at him hard. “Because I'm your teacher! I shouldn’t be doing this with you… no matter how good it is!”, Kurenai hissed, but still ended the last part again in a whisper as she felt so conflicted.

Sighing himself this time, Naruto thought it out before saying. “Well the thought of getting to do anything with you makes me try my best… so in a way, you're rewarding me and encouraging my work!” Naruto suggested. “A… reward?” Kurenai asked and Naruto nodded. “Yeah so… maybe we could do that: You see how well I do on missions and whatever… and reward me as such.”.

Kurenai thought it over… it wouldn’t be wrong like that, would it? Giving him something special to encourage and reward him? “I’ll… think it over, Naruto.” Kurenai said finally as she slid off him.

“Now go to bed Naruto, we don’t have all night.”, she ordered and Naruto nodded. gathering his clothes, he smiled at her as he slid the door open enough for him to slip through and said “Thanks sensei, you really are the greatest.”

Shutting the door, Naruto sighed. When he slipped into his futon, he could hear Kurenai shifting in the room next door, making Naruto grin to himself about the awesome sex they just had. Still, Naruto wondered what lay in the next morning for him before he himself drifted off to sleep.


What will happen tomorrow?

          Awkward awakenings and Kurenai's decision


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