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Naruto's World | nelo | 51


Naruto thought about his situation. In the room to his left, Kurenai-sensei was sleeping. The room to his right was Ino's and the next one after that was Sakuras. So, even if he would luck out and he could stay the night there, he would risk to draw the attention of the girl next door...

Deciding he couldn't take that risk, he instead opted to go to Kurenais room. After all, even if he was successful there, there was still an empty room between them and Ino. So it should be safe.

Sliding the shoji-door that seperated their rooms opened, Naruto peered into the badly lit room. He didn't really saw much, so he carefully crawled a bit inside. "Kurenai-sensei?", he whispered into the dark of the room.

Just then, he had reached the futon where Kurenai was lying down, almost asleep but now wide awake as her student was at her side. "Naruto? What are you doing here?", Kurenai hissed back. No way, was he back for more? "G-go back to your room, quickly.", she ordered.

But it was no good. Naruto hadn't come in here to simply go back. "I can't. I'm still so horny. I want you, Kurenai-sensei!", he told her bluntly.

Different emotions fought inside Kurenai. Hadn't she already crossed the line between being a teacher and being a lover enough? Should she really give in to her lust again? She had to admit, yes, she was loving this, she enjoyed sex with Naruto. Maybe because it was so forbidden. But this was different, people could hear them?

Then again, now he was hovering above her... finally, lust won Kurenai over again. "A-alright then. But listen, this is really the very last time!", she told him sternly, although she lost much of her authority when she untied her yukata and presented her nude form to Naruto.

Her soft, pale skin, her legs and her perfect breasts almost seemed to glow in the dark. "Yay! You're the best, Kurenai-sensei!", Naruto cheered as he dropped his pants and pounced onto Kurenai, latching his mouth right onto one of her breasts. His dick also immediately found Kurenais wet and willing pussy, and with one fluid motion, he had rammed himself deep inside Kurenai again, much to the delight of the woman.


Ino had not been so concerned about being heard in this hotel. In fact, the danger of being caught even excited her a little bit. So, she decided to pay Naruto a visit, with the thought in mind to also reward him for his work today. So, she slid the shoji open and crawled silently into Narutos room, towards his futon where she presumed him to be sleeping.

Around thirty seconds earlier, Sakura had decided to do just the same. However, she could not sneak through Inos room, so she snuck through the hallway to Narutos door, and, sliding that open, she also had infiltrated Narutos room. Silently moving to the futon in the middle of the room, Sakura too had reached her destination.

The result was, of course, the two rivals facing each other over an empty futon where they both had presumed Naruto to be sleeping. After they had nearly bumped together in the dim light, both looked at each other in shock.

"Ino? What are you doing here?", Sakura asked, being the first to regain her speech.

"Sakura? I could ask you the same!", Ino responded in a whisper.

Just then, a faint sound penetrated the walls of the room. "Ooooh...", a female voice called out. It was quiet, almost not audible, but still, Sakura heard it.

"Wait! Did you hear that just now?", she asked her rival, halting their argument for a moment.

But Ino suspected a trick from Sakura. "Don't dodge my question!", she snarled, getting a bit more agitated now.

But Sakura shushed her rival. "No, seriously! Listen!", she told her, and indeed, a moment later, another soft moan was heard.

"Ooooh, yes!"

"Yeah, now I heard it... it comes from the room next to this...", Ino said, pointing to the room next door.

"Isn't this where Kurenai-sensei is sleeping?", Sakura observed and she was pretty sure it was.

Ino agreed. "You're right! You think she's in danger?",

"What? Come on Ino, she's a jounin!", Sakura tried to laugh it off. After all, who should come in here and attack them?

But Ino was still not convinced. "Still... you think we should go and check?", she asked Sakura.


Will Ino and Sakura spy into Kurenais room?

          They look and discover shocking truths

          No, they get scared


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