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Naruto's World | nelo | 50


"Ooh, you're scared? Come on, we're still near the wilderness, it was probably just an animal or something... don't be such a scaredy cat, Sakura!", Ino taunted her rival.

"Y-yeah, you're right."

Both Kurenai and Naruto let out a small sigh, but even so, Naruto still continued to thrust himself into Kurenais center, making her let out low moans that she tried to hold back, but ultimately, her attempts were futile. To Naruto, even the slopping sounds of their flesh slapping together was deafening, but it felt far too good to stop now.

As he continued to fuck their teacher, he could still clearly hear what Ino and Sakura talked about. "You know, I heard that soaking in an onsen too long is gonna make your skin all crumply when you grow older...", Ino said, no doubt to tease her rival a bit with this.

And Sakura seemed to buy it."No way, seriously? Aww, but it feels so good...", Sakura mumbled.

"Then you're giving up Sasuke-kun to me? Glad to hear that!", Ino laughed out.

"I-INO! No way I'm giving him up to you!", Sakura yelled and the sounds of bare feet slapping against the stone floor was heard before the door to the changing room was opened. Naruto and Kurenai involuntarily sighed in relief. They were alone again.

But Naruto was thinking about what they had said. That was right, they were not interested in him. They were only using him for their pursuit of Sasuke. Even if Naruto had started out being okay with this, he now wished that it wasn't so... that his crush Sakura and Ino would be more interested in him, just like Tenten-chan.

Or Kurenai-sensei, whose pussy was still rippling around his length, almost milking his dick for more cum he could shoot into her womb. This feeling was it that snapped him out of those thoughts.

"Naruto, that was dangerous.", Kurenai said, panting after she had finally regained the strength to stand on her own two feet.

"Yeah, but it was also fun, wasn't it? You came a lot, didn't you?", Naruto asked with a grin, and Kurenai had no response to that. After all, he was right. His cum leaking out of her was proof of that.

"L-let's get dressed and call it a night, Naruto.", was all she said.

Thus, they seperated and cleaned up, then got dressed and went up to their rooms.

As they stood in the dark hallway, Kurenai stopped Naruto before he went into his room. "Good night.", she wished him, and, almost like an afterthought after she had seen the hallway was empty, she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before disappearing to her room.

So, Naruto was left with no other option than to return to his own room. A futon was already waiting for him there, but after soaking in a hot spring and fucking Kurenai, he wasn't tired yet. On the contrary, he was still horny as hell. And he knew he had three potential females with him that could help him with that.

The question was: Which one?


Who should Naruto visit?

          Naruto goes and visits Kurenai


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