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Naruto's World | nelo | 48


For a moment, Naruto lost control of his hand movements. That was the very moment that his hands abandoned Kurenais back and instead went around her body and began to grope her delicious breasts.

"N-Naruto, no!", she yelped, jumped up and turned around in his arms. Naruto clearly saw conflicting emotions on her face, partly anger, partly lust, but mostly, confusion. Naruto felt instinctively that he couldn't give her rational thoughts a chance to gain the upper hand here.

"I told you not to-hmmppff!". Kurenais objections were cut short as Naruto pressed his lips onto her mouth. She struggled a little, but all of her attempts to wriggle free eventually ceased as she melted into the kiss.

At that exact moment, the door to the changing room opened and out came Ino and Sakura, their nudity only covered by towels.

Naruto and Kurenai could only thank their ninja reflexes that they had managed to rush behind a sufficiently large rock next to the hot spring, where they were completely hidden from Ino and Sakura.

"See, I told you that the spring would be empty now.", Inos voice was heard throughout the hot spring.

"Hmm, but I haven't seen Kurenai-sensei or Naruto on the way here...", Sakura wondered aloud.

"Must've missed them on our way here then.", Ino shrugged it off. "Now the onsen is ours alone!"

Hidden behind that large rock, Narutos dick twitched a little as he imagined Sakura and Ino clad only in towels. Then, he remembered the woman that was so close to him now. His lust grew as he began to kiss her ferociously, his hands kneading her supple breasts, making the woman underneath him squirm.

"N-Naruto, no! No-not now...", Kurenai pleaded in a whisper, but Narutos lust was too strong by now. He could not hold onto himself anymore as he held his naked, aroused and very sexy teacher in his arms.

His hands wandered under Kurenais supple ass, and pushed her up a little. Kurenai, whether she wanted it or not, still followed his cue and wrapped her legs around his waist as she clung onto him. In such a perfect position, Naruto easily penetrated his teachers pussy. He grunted in pleasure as his dick was enveloped in what felt like heaven, it was so warm, soft, wet and tight at the same time that he almost forgot where he was.

And apparently, he wasn't the only one enjoying this. Naruto noticed how Kurenais pussy was clenching onto him really tightly. Seemed like she really got off on this, dangerous as it was. After all, what would Ino or Sakura do when they found them here, fucking like animals?


Can they keep quiet?

          Not really...


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