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Naruto's World | nelo | 47


"Ah, I see you're already enjoying the water.", a mature female voice calls out to him.

Of course, Naruto has no doubt now as to who that voice belongs to. "Kurenai-sensei!", Naruto almost yells, so excited is that he can spend some time in the spring with his sexy teacher, only clad in a towel that does a poor job at hiding her wonderful body.

Kurenai grins a bit at Narutos exuberance. "Well then, don't mind me if I come in as well.", she says and takes a dip. She sighs in comfort as the hot water immediately begins to relax her body.

"Umm, Kurenai-sensei, where are Sakura and Ino?", Naruto asks, wondering where his two teammates would be. After all

"Oh, they wanted to wait a little before coming in here. Seems like they are a bit shy around you. But you can't really blame them, can you?"

Naruto had to try hard to stop himself from grinning broadly. If only she knew...

After that, they spent an half hour, soaking in the hot spring in silence. Both enjoyed the hot water as they felt the stress and fatigue fall off their shoulders. Then, Kurenai turned to Naruto.

"Good work at todays mission. You were absolutely right, you guys are really beginning to work together well. Wouldn't have thought that, after Ino and Sakura were so at odds with each other.", she complimented her. "You know, I was really worried about this mission when you asked me to get you one. I'm quite relieved that you were right and it went this well...", Kurenai said as she trailed off.

Naruto of course enjoyed the praise he was getting, but it was true, if he thought about it. A C-mission always presented a certain danger, but he was rightfully proud that it had worked out so well. And Kurenai shared that sentiment. "I suppose you do have deserved a reward for your hard work today, Naruto, sooo....", she began.

Narutos ears perked up, almost drooling as he waited for Kurenai to finish that sentence.

"Do you want to help me wash my back?", Kurenai asked, grinning at him slyly.

Needless to say, that was not exactly what Naruto had hoped for, but he was not going to complain either way. "Sure thing, Kurenai-sensei!", he responded with a wide grin.

Kurenai smiled back at him as she climbed out of the onsen and sat down on a stool at the side of it. A variety of soaps stood next to it, including a bucket intending for rinsing. As Kurenai got rid of her towel and thus sat naked there, her back turned to Naruto, she still looked over her shoulder to Naruto. "But remember, no indecent touching here!", she told him, but still winked at him, confusing Naruto a little.

As Naruto knelt behind Kurenai, getting the sponge and soap ready, he was wondering. Should he really obey to Kurenais request? After all, it hadn't even really sounded serious, and the sight of her breasts, even if he could only see the sides of her boobs from behind her back, was just too tempting. Was she being playfully serious or seriously playful?

While Naruto was still torn, he heard a voice from the back of his head. "Come on man, go for it!", the voice called, and it was a familiar one.

"Kiba? You again?", Naruto responded inside his mind.

"Go for it dude, you did it once and she liked it! No harm in doing it again!", Kiba cheered him on.

"But, but... we might be caught!", Naruto argued back.

"But, but...", Kiba parroted. "You know you want to do it, don't you? So do it!", he taunted the blonde.

Naruto was still unsure what to do as he began to soap Kurenais back...


Will Naruto go for it (again)?

          Of course!


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