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Naruto's World | nelo | 45


Meanwhile, in the tent of Kurenai and Sakura....

The two women had talked a little, but the conversation had run dry a little while ago. But then, just as Kurenai had fallen silent. "Your breasts are really amazing, Kurenai-sensei.", she said quietly.

Kurenai hesitated a moment before answering. It was flattering, yet a little weird to hear such a comment from her student. "You like them?", she asked right back at Sakura.

A moment or two also passed before Sakura answered. "Yeah. Mine are so small, not only in comparison... I mean, even Inos bust is bigger than mine...", Sakura said, looking down at her barely visible bustline unhappily.

"Don't worry about this, you are still growing. Don't let Inos insults about your forehead get to you. You are both very pretty young women, and I am certain that you both will find people who will appreciate you for what you are. But what makes a woman sexy isn't her looks, but her confidence about them.", Kurenai tried to console her student.

"I see...", Sakura said, still unsure.

Kurenai sensed uncertainty in her pupil and decided she had to help her with that. After all, she was their sensei, she should be able to help them in any way possible. "Let's see... do you masturbate, Sakura?", she asked boldly.

Sakura gasped, but after a moment, she answered. "I... I do.". Even in the dim light, it was obvious that Sakura was blushing, but Kurenai remained serious about this. She had a good idea how to help Sakuras confidence a little tonight...

"Can you show me how?"

"Wha-?", Sakura was taken aback.

Before Sakura could panick, Kurenai elaborated. "I know it's quite a request, but you can trust me, Sakura. It is okay if you don't want to though."

"N-no, that's not it. I trust you, Kurenai-sensei.", Sakura answered quickly. She had taken a liking to Kurenai as their sensei, especially in comparison to the other senseis that her classmates had received. And she trusted her.

So, Sakura slipped a hand underneath the hem of her panties and began to slowly tease her lower lips. To her surprise, she found that she was getting wet rather quickly. Was it because Kurenai-sensei was watching her intently?

Anyway, her breathing got a little heavier as her fingers collected her own juices that poured out of her sex. She was, however, still tentative to fully masturbate like she did after her encounter with Naruto and Tenten.

Kurenai sensed her inhibitions and lend Sakura a hand. Sakuras body tensed up as she felt Kurenais soft hand slide down her body, where it gently pulled out Sakuras hand from her panties and replaced it. "Just relax a little, Sakura, and enjoy it.", she whispered to her student as she began to take over from here.

Her thumb found Sakuras clit and began to stimulate the exposed nub of flesh, rolling it around, caressing it in ways that caused Sakuras breath to hitch. Meanwhile, Kurenais middle finger slowly dipped inside Sakuras most intimate spot, causing the girl to moan lowly at this new sensation. Her head was spinning. This feeling good, so good... yet it was her teacher, and on top of that, a woman who did this... still Sakura began to disregard her doubts. As long as it felt good, those qualms were secondary to her by now.

Again and again, Kurenais middle finger slipped inside Sakura, while the thumb on her clit still toyed with it, sending pleasurable jolts through Sakuras entire body. With an experienced hand like Kurenais, Sakura was completely helpless to stop her impeding orgasm. Sakura bit her lip as she came, although a whimper still escaped her mouth. Kurenai too felt the climax of Sakura as a squirt of Sakuras love juices gushed onto her hand.

Letting her student down gently from her orgasm, Kurenai withdrew her hand and smiled softly upon Sakura. "I can definitely tell, you will grow into a breathtaking beauty, Sakura.", she told her, meaning every word of it.

Sakuras face was flushed, it was visible even in the dark. "Th-thanks, Kurenai-sensei...", Sakura panted, her confidence boosted by those words. She felt closer to her sensei now and was grateful that she had done this for her tonight. But still, the events of the day caught up to them. Now, both females snuggled a little closer and fell asleep soon, both exhausted by the travel.

Kurenai scolded herself a little as Sakura slept beside her. Now she had already had initiated another improper encounter between herself and her own student... but she consoled herself with the knowledge that it was to help Sakura, after all...


Will there be any incidents on the mission tomorrow?

          Not during the mission, but maybe that night


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