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The Lilith Strain | ShenX | 10


Flying into the night, you spot several different places to begin your sexual assault on your once fellow humans. With each place you saw you crossed out the possibility from your mind: too few humans, too much risk for not much in the way of results, etc. Soon you find the perfect place to begin your Hell-sent mission. A place that was a beacon of light and hope, waiting for you to turn it into a symbol of lust, despair, and depravity.

You would start off in a church itself...

You descend slowly, peering into one of the windows and smiling to yourself in glee. Yes, the number of "holy" priests and nuns would be enough to turn the city into a sexual wildfire. But how to get in without being outnumbered?

You think to yourself and a plan forms into your mind. Finally landing in the courtyard of the church,you see that security for this place was severely lacking, for you spot only one nun and she is an elder nun at that, well past the age of 50. Deciding to save her for later, you quickly sneak up behind her and knock her out. Dragging her unconscious body behind some nearby bushes, you steal her clothing and adopt your human form.

You proceed inside...


How to go on from here...?



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