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Serial Impregnator | TheVillian | 18


There is a nervousness in the air at the college that seems almost tangible. An anxious feeling that's ever present. Of course, the list of women that were both rich and married connected to a college was incredibly short- especially among the student body- but there's a part of the mind that always fears what it damn well pleases. But not all the emotional energy in the air is negative, next week was spring break after all, and everyone was looking forward to a nice time to relax and unwind.

Tuesday morning started poorly, just as you get used to the idea that the police aren't going to bust down your door your friend in the math department called. It seems the 4 chambers pyramid-heart universe is not quite as strong as Super-String from a math point of view and it's just as untestable with modern technology. Doesn't mean it's wrong exactly, just useless as a physical theory until technology takes a couple more steps forward.

Well, at least your personal life is looking better. Friday called, she was hoping that you and Ingrid were going to connect again romantically as well as physically. It certainly hasn't been ruled out, but to be honest the two of you have spent too much time fucking like rabbits to try. You promise that if it happens you won't fight it, but that's the best you can really do.

Speaking of Ingrid, you almost expect her to call- the two of you did have Monday to recuperate after all. Toward the end, after your last Tuesday class, there is a call in your office but it isn't Ingrid.

"Hey Dr. Heiss, you heart breaker." You hear Ms. Jackson say, it sounds like she's on a cell phone and driving fast.

"Ridley, hi. What's going on?"

"Are you alone?"

You look around for a moment, you are the only one in your office at the moment- so taping an improvised 'Do Not Disturb' sign onto your office door and shutting it takes little time.


"Well, bad news first. Looks like it's not going away, whatever connections the bitch had they are deeper then mine. The police and the press think this is real. At least with her murder wrap this is probably as bad as it will get."


"But there's good news. To our prospective clients your popularity has skyrocketed as well. I'm predicting we'll double the number of potential victims by the end of the month, more if the press comes up with a particularly marketable nickname. Now, not all of them will pass our screening standards- but we could probably keep up the victim a week pace for years now."

"The fantasy is really that popular?" you ask, suddenly very conscious of where you are.

"Think of it as an S&M-slash-bondage fantasy with a plot and a safety valve, it makes more sense that way. As a fantasy it's a safe way to get something a little kinkier."

"Alright, I'll go with that."

"Let's see, what else was I going to tell you? Mrs. Mendez has been confirmed by a doctor to be pregnant. Mrs. Nguyen thinks she is as well, her doctor's appointment is tomorrow."

"That's great!" you smile- 2 down, 18 to go- assuming they both carry their babies to term of course.

"And Mrs. Rayne's had some tests done. Looks like the gene that causes the birth defect is pretty strong but it's recessive. If you don't have the gene, which you probably don't, then there's a 25-50% chance any kid you two had would carry the gene but there's no chance of the defect. We'd like to get you tested for the gene. I can be at your place by 6 for a blood sample, we're going to keep this in house- it'll take a couple weeks but we'll know for sure."

Well, there's something to think about. You do remember that Mrs. Rayne was a looker and she seems pretty desperate for a healthy baby. But then again, it might be awkward to explain Mrs. Jackson's presence if Ingrid decides to surprise you are your place. She always had that little spark of spontaneity during the good years you your marriage. Hmm. . .what to say?


Get Tested?

          Of Course, Nothing Is To Good For The. . .


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