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Pornomancer | TheVillian | 1


Sex and Death, that's what it always boils down to. Especially when there's magic involved. Oh yes, magic and the supernatural have always been very real. Magic is just as real as Electricity as it turns out, just much more rare. With good reason because to use magic you need to acquire magical energy, and to get magical energy you need to first harvest Life energy. This has led to two basic camps when it comes to magic, the original cold war if you will.

The first and larger group call themselves the Necromancers. They get the magic energy needed to fuel their magic by tapping the life energy inside living things directly. Usually in the form of ritualistic sacrifice or flat out murder when used on people. Say what you want about this method, but from a logistics point of view it's quick, easy, and you get a lot of energy out of something when it dies. It also means Necromancers are as a rule ruthless bastards and bitches who use their powers to murder their enemies and acquire more power both magical and political. Not all mind you, you know a guy who lives on a ranch outside of Vegas who only taps cattle that are moments away from being slaughtered for meat anyway- nice guy. But he's the exception, not the rule.

The other side of this camp can't really decide on a name for themselves, but in Necromancer circles they're usually called Pornomancers as an insult or a joke. They get the energy they need to fuel their magic by taking advantage of a little known fact that living things, especially people, will briefly generate and release extra life energy when experiencing a particularly intense emotion. Hate and Fear work but they aren't easy to harvest unless it's your own, Joy and Love work better. But all of them pale in comparison to the massive floodgates that open when compared to the extra energy made and released during an orgasm. It's not as easy to harvest, and there isn't as much pay off as when a Necromancer kills something, but you don't have to figure out what to do with a dead body afterwords. On the contrary, many people who've been harvested from find the experience intensely enjoyable even if they have no idea what just happened.

Because of this most, not all but most, Pornomancers tend to head toward areas where prostitution is legal at least in practice if not officially. Las Vegas is pretty much Pornomancer central in the western hemisphere because of this. Necromancers don't like the idea of not having complete magical control over an area and as a result still outnumber Pornomancers at least 2 to 1, but there's enough Pornomancers around that they can compare notes at least.

And some of the things they've found are interesting. Women have a slight edge for Pornomancy, as their bodies collect incoming energy from an orgasm partner more efficiently. It's not a large enough advantage that men can't excel in the field, but it's definitely there. As for who to get energy from, it's really a matter of preference. Men are much easier to get into the state where they release energy and are much easier to harvest from then women, but don't produce as much. Women on the other hand make anywhere from 3 to 100 times as much energy as a man depending on a few factors including where they are in their cycle, the emotional bonds to their partner, what method of birth control they are using if any, etc. Unfortunately it's a lot harder to harvest the energy from a woman then from a man, and there's no method that's 100% reliable. As a result, Pornomancers that harvest primarily from men tend to have a very reliable level of power while those that harvest primarily from women can fluctuate wildly in their level of power.

You, whether a Necromancer or a Pornomancer, are living in Vegas where the cold war continues. Necromancers tend to flock toward organized crime, or law enforcement if they have a civic duty bend to their personalities. Just because most Necromancers tend to be vicious murderous bastards doesn't mean they all are by a long shot, you could certainly be an exception if you want. Pornomancers on the other hand tend to flock toward the casinos or the sex industry, legality depending on the individual Pornomancer. The most famous example is The Coven, a high end and expensive legal brothel with a witchcraft theme. What most people don't realize, including most of the girls that work there, is that the owners are Pornomancers who designed it to be a place where the two sides can hang out in peace, and if push comes to shove it serves as a magical battery that stores a little bit of energy from every orgasm within it's walls. On the flip side though, the Vegas police are looking for someone who's raped 11 college girls and to anyone with a background in magic it looks like the rapist is a Pornomancer. Just because Pornomancers tend to be the good guys in comparison to Necromancers, doesn't mean they are all the time.

So, the question is, who are you?


Necromancer of Pornomancer?




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