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Serial Impregnator | TheVillian | 15


As for what physically happens the week is mostly uneventful beyond getting a few more student visits to your office then normal, something that happens every time a new chapter with a new concept begins. Your attitude change is beginning to be noticed among the student body and the other faculty members, flirting has become much more common wherever you go. Say what you will, this whole experience was just what you needed to get back into playing the field. You have to remind yourself and others that professors aren't allowed to date their students, but a few others seem receptive.

Otherwise your nerves are strung tightly as you wonder if the police will appear from around the corner any second. There's no way they could know it was you, there's nothing on your record beyond a couple speeding tickets when you were younger. But the fact of the matter hammers into your mind, the police think you've raped 3 women. On top of that, they are going to think you've raped a lot more before this is done. Friday's health care is too important to consider stopping before the full 20.

That's why when Friday called with her birthday plans you didn't think twice. You need this to relax a little, to know you're doing the right thing. You had no idea what to expect when you arrived but Friday greeted you at the door innocently with some of her college friends and her more able bodied ones helped shuffle you into what was the master bedroom when you lived here. Even more bizarre, they won't let you leave the room for any reason- though they do promise to bring in some cake when they get around to cutting it. It's not as bad as it sounds, the master bedroom is very nice- between your professors salary and Ingrid's salary you two could afford a very nice house with some very nice things. The bathroom connected to the master bedroom is still available and quite nice, the bathtub built for two got a lot of use for sure.

Things suddenly become clear when more noises in the hallway reveal Friday's plot, and soon the ex-wife Ingrid joins you in captivity- still looking every bit as gorgeous as when you two first got married but much more mature.

"Friday? What is this?" Ingrid is the first to ask.

"Sorry, Friday's mom," one of her friends answers, "We know it's too much to ask for you two to get back together, but we all agree you two turn pout like spoiled teenagers when the other is mentioned and it's tiring. Neither of you can leave until you two are at least on speaking terms again. That is all!"

You can't help but laugh a bit at the whole thing as Ingrid is too stunned to think, "Has Friday been watching 'The Parent Trap' again? It was her favorite movie when she was little sure, but this. . .", you say unable to finish without laughing. Ingrid gives a cold stare to shut you up that fails at first, but after a few minutes you don't feel like laughing anymore.

An hour passes in silence after that, the two of you sitting on opposite sides of the bed facing away from each other. All the missed signs and opportunities dance in front of your mind- and through it all you can think of nothing to say to the mother of your pride and joy. She's the one that speaks first.

"She's right you know, we do pout like spoiled brats when it comes to each other."

"Yes she is," you concede, "She's the adult among the three of us now."

Another 15 minutes pass in awkward silence before finally you get an idea.

"This rubbish, let's just figure out what we both agree on and go from there."

". . .Sounds reasonable", she eventually admits.

"One, you've been great for Friday."

"And so have you, no matter what you've felt about me. I don't think she would have made it without your emotional support. Two, you were way too emotionally distant to me when we were married."

She's testing you, you know it. You want to argue it, to fight like it was in those last days before the divorce was finalized. But, really- if you're being honest- you can't. She's right.

"Yes, I was- work was probably too important for me," you admit, the response stunning Ingrid into silence, "But so were you. Except for when you were angry or disappointed you were hardly around for me. Friday yes, me no."

". . .Yes. God, why didn't we talk about this sooner."

It looks like Friday's plan succeeded, as childish as it sounds.

"And Three," you say, not concealing at all that you're looking over every curve of Ingrid's perfect body, even after all these years. By the time you get to her face you realize she's been doing the same to you.

"And three?"

"I think we can agree that if we can think of a way to surprise the little mastermind, we definitely should." you finish with a devilish grin.


What happens next?



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