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X-Girls | Blues32 | 2


Megan Gwynn frowned, running her hand through her pink and black hair. Once upon a time, her powers were limited to shrinking down and spraying hallucinagentic dust everywhere. Later, after a piece of her soul was used to create a dagger, she gained said weapon and some skill in black magic.

The shrinking down, wings, and dust earned her the moniker of "Pixie" in the X-Mansion. She had once been a light hearted girl before the piece of her soul was taken. To fill in that piece, darkness had filled the hole. This was plainly visible by the black streak in her hair that appeared as a result.

Several people had offered to teach her magic as a result of her new powers. Unfortunately, Pixie wasn't feeling very patient, which was why she was currently going through a book of spells herself. "This one looks easy enough," she thought, coming across a simple light spell. It would just cause a display of circling lights, perfect for dark caves and such. ...naturally, it didn't quite work out the way she was expecting.


What does her spell do?


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