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*********************Original story by andresterrada *******************

Athena and his half brother Ares were facing each other in the round arena of the Pantheon. Completely naked as the gods always go. Each of them the epitome of athletic beauty to their gender.
Ares was heavily muscular and manly. A full head taller than Athena, his shoulder broad and strong, his arms thick as her legs, and his genitals of godly proportions. His penis as thick as Athena's wrists and longer than any human's. His huge testicles hanging low is a relaxed and scrotum.
Athena was brunette with a very fair skin. Her body was slightly muscular but with a very feminine body. Her shoulder were not excessively broad, her breasts were large and full, her stomach was firm and flat, her waist very slender and her butt was womanly but very firm and were her long legs ending in perfect small feet.
Just looking at them it became obvious it was going to be brute manly strength against dexterity, speed and technique.
Athena knew he was a formidable fighter but also knew that if she could cause him to get angry, his legendary temper will cause him to get careless. And Ares hates loosing.
Ajax signal the beginning of the fight.
It was clear from the start that the hate each other.
Ares jumped forward sending punch after punch to Athena's head, but she was prepared and manage to duck under each of his terrific blows. After the second punch she manage to counter with a strong punch of her own to his midsection but her fist bounce off from his muscular stomach without any effect. After a third failed swing at her Ares rage made him rush her try to grab her in a frontal bear-hug but she dropped to her knees in the last second and he end up empty handed. Before he could kick her or bent down to grab her, she farted forward on hands and knees between his legs. At the passing she banged her forehead on something soft but very heavy. She raised to her feet and turned around, and only then, seeing his scrotal sac swinging back and fro, and his crisped hands at his sides she realized she had collided with his testicles. His scream of rage filled the air when he turned around to attack her.
Athena was pleased to see the effect of this accidental low blow, both the rage and the obvious pain. All the goddesses cheer their champion.
Ares used a front kick this time, but Athena was much faster and easily stepped aside, ending at his back again. She landed several punches to his kidney area before he could react. He didn't seem too affected. He turn around sending a punch with the momentum of his turn but Athena had already jumped back and out of his reach. It was now Athena's time to attack and she did it using a front kick at his knee but he lifted his weight off that foot in time to avoid the bone breaking effect she intended. The force of the blow pushed his leg backwards hard enough to make him loose his footing and he fell on his side. She tried to kick him while he was down but he almost grabbed her ankle and she step back. He was half way up when she approached again and landed an uppercut under his chin. This swing his head up and stung him a little but he kept raising and was up before she could get out of his reach. He send a punch to the side of her head that landed on her left shoulder. She was shook up by the force of the blow and her entire arm went numb. She danced out and turned protecting her arm. He closed in for the kill, but she saw him coming and when he send her a side kick with his left leg, she took one step forward inside his kick and held his thigh up with her right arm. For a second he was exposed, spread angled and jumping on one foot while she held his leg up. Her tits were touching his chest and their eyes were locked when she crashed her right knee into his meaty balls at full speed. He was so shocked he couldn't even scream. She pushed him back and mighty Ares ended laying on his back, hands between the legs.
Athena smiles to Ares and he goes crazy with rage. A normal pair of balls would had been crushed by such a blow but Ares godly balls are still hole.
Athena makes the next move.


Athena continues Ares's destruction


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