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The real fun started after she left. | JohnArcher | 1


You sit down in your favorite chair, having just said goodbye to your wife who is going on a business trip to New York and will not be back for 3 days.

You sit there and listen..........silence. You have not had a room with total silence in a long time. that you are sunken down in y our chair, you grab the remote and start flipping through the channels looking for any and all sports games that are on. "I'm gonna sit my ass here and watch sports all weekend long. All she ever wants to watch are those self help DVDs or stupid talks shows about how to better you life. Fuck that shit. It is sports all weekend!"

As you sit there, flipping between 3 different games, the phone rings. "I knew that this was too good to be true, probably her calling to make sure I do this or that or some other shit." But you pick up the phone and it is a voice you did not expect to hear.

"Hi, David. It's Kim. Are you busy? I know that Shannon probably has a laundry list of things she needs done, but I need a hand. I have no power in 2 rooms and I think I blew a breaker. Can you come over and give me a hand?"

You think to yourself that you would much rather enjoy your weekend then go over there and do someone else's hunny do list. But she is only next door.

"Sure, I'll be over in about 5 mins."

"Oh thank you so much."

You hang up the phone. take one last drink of your beer, put on your shoes, grab a flashlight and head on over.

You get to her house and she is already there with the door open waiting for you. You walk in to the house, "Where is the breaker box at?"

"That is the problem, I don't know."

Having been there before for dinner with your wife, you head for the basement door and head down stairs. Wandering around in the dark with nothing but a flashlight to see, you find the breaker box and flip on the breakers.

"Is that better?" you yell up to her. "No, there is still no light in this room."

You head back upstairs and follow her voice in the house.

She is sitting there in the living room on the couch. "There is power everywhere but in here."

Having a good idea where the problem is, you reach up and take the glass off the light fixture on the ceiling. Just ask you thought, dead bulb.

"It's just a dead bulb in this room. If you hand me a new one, I'll just put in it for you."

She goes and grabs a bulb and you reach up to remove the old one and install the new one.

"I really wanna thank you for coming over. With Bill gone overseas, I feel lost sometimes."

"No need to thank me."

"But I really do wanna thank you."

As your hands are stretched up to the light fixture, you feel her slowing undoing the belt on your pants.


Now what?


          Look at her and smile.


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