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Broadcast | b33km1n | 5


After a couple weeks of minimal contact, Mr. Smith decided it was time to stretch his muscles, so to speak. After careful planning and much rehearsal, Mr. Smith was ready for the second phase of his domination. So one morning he sat down to eat breakfast with Mother. She was in her usual pajamas—a tight tank top and shorts . It was a chilly morning; Mr. Smith enjoyed the sight of Mother’s nipples straining against the fabric of her tank top. She must have felt his gaze because she turned to hide her chest from her son. As gently as he could, Mr. Smith tried to ease her feelings of self conscious. It was difficult to focus though because with her back to him, Mr. Smith could admire her tight butt and toned legs. Time for a diversion. . .

“Could you get me some milk for my cereal please?”
“Sure honey”

“Thanks. Mother, I had the strangest dream last night,” _I’m opening up to you, open up to me,_ “Do you remember when we used to swim in Gran’s pond?” _Remember that we used to skinny dip?_ “Well, in my dream we were swimming. And I was little again. And you started sinking, and begging me for help. . .” _You need my help. Need ME._ “And I dove to try to save you. And the deeper we went together, the bigger I became. Until I was how I am now.” _I’m a man now._ “And then I saved you, brought you back to the surface. Weird, huh?” _I want to save you for real. You want me to save you, NEED me to save you._

Mother listened, rapt to her son’s story. When he finished, it was as if a spell had broken. “Well, that certainly sounded intense. Do you think it meant anything?”

“I dunno. Anyway, I’ve got to get going. See you later.”

Mr. Smith could tell he had done something powerful to her. He decided to keep it up—as often as he could for the next couple weeks, Mr. Smith kept up his subliminal attacks on his mother. Rehearsed stories she thought were revelations, layered with powerful subtexts, amplified for effect. He noticed a change—less sure of herself in public, more clingy to him. She was also slightly less bashful about showing her body around him. She seemed ready for phase three.


Mr. Smith tries a new trick

          Mr. Smith invaded Mother's dreams


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