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Serial Impregnator | TheVillian | 2


Dr Jonathon Heiss:

"Well Dr. Jonathon Heiss, you're physically fit, mentally stable, no known STD's, no notable family history of disease, described by your students as 'charming, handsome, and friendly', currently single, and have PhD's in Physics and Mathematics to boot. We want you to be one of our rapists."

Dr. Jonathon Heiss is a popular physics professor in at a large college, recently approached by the enigmatic Ms. Jackson to work for the SRFH. Now he also moonlights as a fake serial rapist so that married women can have children who biologically aren't their husband's without legal consequence. Initially signed on for strings-free sex with other men's wives but has discovered that if he fathers 20 children through the SRFH then his violently crippled daughter Friday Heiss will never have to worry about any medical expense for the rest of her life.

Recent events have been mixed for Dr. Heiss. On the plus side he and his ex-wife Ingrid have buried their hatchet. While neither is sure about renewing the romantic part of their relationship, the sexual part has been restarted with enthusiasm. Unfortunately, while his relationship with his ex-wife has taken a turn for the better his deal with the SRFH has taken a turn for the worse. A former client, angry at him for spurning her advances after servicing her, has gone to the press as though the attack was real. As a result the police and the press now believe that he's a real serial rapist who targets married women, raping them in their own homes at knife point. He's been dubbed "The Wedding Bells Rapist" as a result.

Ingrid Goode:

Local TV news babe and Dr. Heiss's ex-wife, also the mother of Jon's daughter Friday. The divorce was messy, and the marriage probably only lasted as long as it did because a.) both Ingrid and Jon wanted what's best for Friday, and b.) both Ingrid and Jon will at least admit that the other is great in the sack. Ingrid won custody of Friday in the divorce, and since Friday's accident has been her primary caregiver. While she'd never consider getting back together with Dr. Heiss, she does admit that he at least does right by Friday. She also would never admit it in public, but no lover she's had since the divorce has quite measured up- to the point she's considering casual sex with her ex-husband, possibly letting him impregnate her again.

Recent events are looking up for Ingrid Goode. Somewhat reconciled with her ex-husband, neither are sure about renewing the romantic part of their old relationship but with the renewing of the sexual part she feels like a horny teenager again. Her career is looking pretty good as well with an exciting news story breaking. As much as she feels sorry for the victims, she can't help but feel a career opportunity coming if she handles this serial rapist story well. The fact that not too long ago she would have been a valid candidate for one of the rapist's victims, and may be again if she fully reconciles with her ex-husband, is not lost on her. Also, having gotten her hands on copies of the SRFH-faked police reports believing they are real, she's noticed that the attacks sound like scenes from her favorite "bodice-ripper" novels- a fact she's ashamed to say turns her on. Without realizing that Jon is the "rapist" is question, she's considering if he'd be willing to role-play something for her.

Friday Heiss:

The daughter of Ingrid Goode and Dr. Jonathon Heiss, and the reason they stayed married as long as they did. Sweet, hard-working, and sharp as a tack she sadly was hit by a distracted kid driver a few years ago. Paralyzed from the waist down among other injuries, her medical expenses are racking up- and both Ingrid and Dr. Heiss are feeling the pinch.

Recently Friday has attempted to mastermind reuniting her parents with limited success. The good news is that they are definitely on much better terms. The bad news is they seem to only be interested in each other for the sex. As anyone will tell you, listening to your parents passionately fuck over and over again is a special kind of nightmare. Still, small steps and all that.

"Ms. Jackson":

The mysterious, stunningly beautiful, redheaded "Ms. Jackson", if that's her real name, is Dr. Jonathon Heiss's intermediary with the SRFH, the "Serial Rapists For Hire". So far after Dr. Heiss's last classes of the week she has briefed him on potential clients for him to service. Seems to somehow be using Friday's medical history as a bargaining chip while at the same time maintaining plausible deniability that she's aware of even Friday's existence. While it seems to be her job to encourage married women to cheat on their husbands, she herself seems to be coolly but firmly staying faithful to an unknown lover. This could be another of Ms. Jackson's lies as well, merely using his attraction to her as well as her unobtainability to keep him in line.

Recent detective work has revealed more on Ms. Jackson. It seems that her real name is Ridley Jackson. Years ago she was one of Dr. Heiss's students where she got a C but she was only taking his class for a general education requirement anyway. According to her she since then got a degree in business. While the exact methods and details are unknown, she also seems to have extensive contacts with many different groups. While she personally doesn't have rape fantasies she does have something that will make her instantly blush brightly even when thinking about it in passing.


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