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Double Date | fiestyfeast | 1


Kelly and I have been dating for 6 months, and I haven't gotten anything. We've made out, and our genitals have touched with only thin fabrics between them, but she hasn't gotten me of, given me head or fucked me; she says she wants it to be meaningful and beautiful when we do. She says she doesn't want to ruin it, but I don't really see how making love would hurt our relationship. And damn has her fending me off made me want it; want to fuck her hard, to fuck her pussy or mouth and cum in her short blond hair.

The funny thing is that Kelly's kind of a drinker, and she's cheated on me at least twice that I know of. She was really appologetic, and said that she was very drunk when it happened. She got real sad and regretful-like when she told me, and I hate to see her sad. And she is a smokin' hot fine sexy little thing. So I forgave her, and we stayed together, even though at least two other guys have gotten farther than me with Kelly in the 6 months we've been dating. I think I love her, and goddamn is she beautiful.

Another reason I stay with Kelly is because she has a fantastic relationship with my parents, and so do I. It's great that we can share my respect and affection for Frank and Sue, the wonderful people who conceived, raised, and supported me into adulthood. She loves them and they love her, and so do I, and a little bit of intoxicated infidelity isn't going to change that between us.

Tonight the 'rents and Kelly and I are headed to a bar and dance club for a double date. Sue and Fred drive together in dad's red car and Kelly and I follow in my blue one.

Frank doesn't look anything like me, with his dark grey hair and rough beard, his pronounced jaw and dimpled chin look almost opposite my more boyish features and light brown hair. I look more like my ma. She's looking real good at that, tonight, her silky brown hair in braided pigtails, framing her adorable face that hasn't gotten less cute with age. The cleavage from her tight-fitting blouse, and the long, slim smooth legs from her tight, short, black skirt don't bother me; she's always dressed in a somewhat revealing way. Not to be outdone, Kelly is wearing the tightest pink minidress I can imagine on her. Her B-cup breasts hang proud and perky, either side of them visible from where the pink frills cover them. She isn't wearing a bra or panties, and her skirt is so short that I can see her pink pussy in the car and I'm excited--I might be getting some tonight!

My parents and I park side by side in the parking lot. We all laugh together and Kelly gives Frank a playful push on the way into the establishment. My parents are fun and seem young and lively on active dates like this one. Neither one drinks much usually, but tonight we all start the evening off with shots and more shots and it's not long before we're all tipsy. Ma is being louder and more outgoing than usual, and my dad has ceased speaking in complete sentences and keeps making euphemistic sexual remarks about Kelly. We laugh, even Sue and I.

After finishing her seventh or eighth shot, Kelly says "Woo! Fuck this table; let's hit the dance floor!" And excitedly we all nod and slide out of our chairs.


What happens when we get to dancing?

          Kelly grabs Frank's ass on the way to the floor


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