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Simon Says | Ardunt | 17


You arrive home finally. Pulling up to the house you feel a peace wash over you and are happily greeted by your mom and dad. The evening meal is pleasant something good because mom knows how to cook. Of all the people in the world these two are safe even from your new found powers because of how you respect them.

Later that night you and your father are on the porch enjoying the neighborhood antics of small town life. After some time you see one of the older ladies that always hits on your dad come jogging by.

"There is your girlfriend Cheryl." you say to your dad.

"Stop it." he says.

You motion for her to come by and she does steady keeping her feet moving as she runs in place. "Hi boys." she says easily.

"Hey Cheryl." you say.

Your dad in his usual joking way says, "You know you could get black eyes if those things bounced any higher Cheryl."

She grins at him and you say, "No I do not think so dad, they have a good casing protecting them."

He chuckles and she does too and you contemplate having her show them off but figure that might not go over to well with dad.

"See you boys later." Cheryl says as she jogs off to her house.

Pretty soon the guys from the Dairy Freeze where you used to work pull up. "Well if it is not big time college, slumming at home." Frank says getting out of the car and walking up to the house.

"Hey Frank." you say wishing they had not come yet.

"Wanna come to the bar with us tonight?" Frank asks.

"No Frank," you say, "I am going to hang with my dad tonight."

"Go ahead son, have some fun." your dad says getting up and going in the house.

You shrug your shoulders and go and hope in Franks car, Arny is in there too. "How is college life?" Arny asks as the car squeals away from the curb.

"Not too bad." you reply.

"Has your brain gotten any bigger?" Frank asks.

"No but I have learned a thing or two." you answer.

"Really?" Franks says looking sideways at you.

"Yes," you answer, "I have learned the power of suggestion."

"Does that come in handy?" Arny asks intrigued.

"It serves a purpose." you answer.

The three of you walk into the bar and sit at a table near the back.

As you knock back some drinks Frank says, "So show us your powers of suggestion."

Everyone knows Arny has no chance of scouring that is why he hangs around the high school most of the time, hoping for a shot at someone dumb enough to want to hook up with him.

"Okay." you say. "Arny, pull your pants down."

Both of them start laughing.

"I see you two are going to yank my chain all night." Turning to Arny, you tell him, "Pull down your pants Arny."

Without hesitation Arny pulls his pants down to his ankles.

Frank starts laughing.

Raising your hand up you see Cheryl coming in and motion her back.

"Hi again." she says to you smiling at everyone.

"Cheryl," you start, "Arny here, needs a blowjob, give him one."

Cheryl's face goes blank and then she crawls under the table and to Franks amazement She starts sucking on Arny!

"Holy Shit!" Frank exclaims.

Soon Arny is spent and Cheryl comes out from under the table.

"Frank, take Arny and Cheryl home will you." you tell him.

The three of them leave and you smile thinking you are getting some peace and quiet.

As you sit there nursing your last beer because you realize you are going to be walking home Anita the bar maid comes up.

"Need one more?" she asks.

Anita is a fairly tall black woman she is in her early 30's, very fit, small breasted and hipped though which surprises you after all the girls you have seen at college. She always has a ready smile and seems sensuous though.

"I think this will do me." you say.

She grins and clears the table of the empties then goes about her business, though you notice she keeps checking you out from time to time.

Finally last call is made and you head for the door.

Anita loops her arm through yours. "Would you mind escorting me home?" she asks.

"No problem." you answer as you two head out into the dark of night.

Soon you find yourself on what is deemed the wrong side of town and as the two of you walk down the street you hear steps behind you.

Anita whispers, "Do not turn around, you will only invite trouble if you do."

"I got this." you tell her and turn around to see two thugs closing with malice on their faces.

"What you doing with this Whitebread Mother Fucker Anita?" the big one asks.

"He is just taking me home Leo." she answers.

"I think you knows the rules Anita." the other one says.

"Yeah, well, he is a nice kid." Anita says.

They both chuckle at that and close around us. "How about it Whitebread, wanna dance with Leo?" he asks.

"No." you answer. "But I am sure you buddy there wants you to take him to the club in Leonard Town so you both can dance."

His face goes blank and the other guys does as well and then they just head off down the way they had came.

"Amazing," Anita says, "I have never seen Leo back down before."

Smiling you take her hand and walk her to her door.

She gives you a kiss on the cheek, "I would invite you up but...."


Take up her offer?

          Always the gentleman


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