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***** original story from luffy 316 ******************************

Sophie - 29, pink hair, 6”10, 158 lbs, former cheerleader, had Amber as her sexslave and dated Regine & Jolene (25) and is dating Eduardo.

Kandice - 22, black with blond hair, former tennis player. 6”9, 136 lbs. Thin rookie who has dated Paul and is dating Petr.

Sophie appeared in the ring oiled from head to toe. She climbed off of Eddy's shoulders, leaving a pool of oil from her ass on his back. Eddy starts soaking her body in. Beginning with her legs and toes, coming up higher in her pelvic regin and her ass, he scrubs in her back and belly, before paying attention to her breasts, with some finger work, he made her come.
Kandice appeared at the other side, her muscular lover Petr carrying her on her shoulders. She smiled smugly at Petr as the combatants entered the ring.
Petr starts soaking her in, beginning with her arms, before going towards her breasts and doing her belly and back, then her tight ass and pelvic region, before doing her legs, Petr made Kandi come by making her riding his leg.

“You’re all mine now, rookie,” Sophie said, licking her lips hungrily at her.
“Wanna bet?” Kandice said, adjusting her thong to cling like a second skin to her cunt. Her short, bronze-colored hair bounced on her shoulders.

Devon interrups them "Not so fast girls, first I need to do a pre-fight interview, so let's start with Sophie.."


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