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Cartoon robosluts | KPwatcher | 12


It takes five days for your Roboslut™ Kim to arrive - a backorder at the factory. You were about to call and yell at the customer service people - again - when the deliveryman arrives with a crate. He wheels it into the living room on a dolly and sets it in the corner you direct, winks knowingly (Dammit, you paid for plain brown crate - he shouldn't know what's in there. On the other hand, you reflect, he probably delivers a lot of these and may have one of his own.) and leaves.

You've had the pry bar on the coffee table for two days, waiting for this moment, you quickly open up the lid and pull out wrapping materials. Her eyes closed, as if in sleep, your Roboslut™ Kim lies on a flannel cushion. To keep her from damage in the crate various restraint devices hold her in position. You briefly consider activating her in bondage, but decide to that can wait for another day.

Now that she has finally arrived, what do you do first?

• Take some pictures of her in the crate

• Check her out before turning her on

• Read the manual, dummy


What do you do first?

          Take pictures

          Check her out

          Read the manual

          more choices


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