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A New Dawn | sd412 | 3


Dawn drove around, seeing only debachury and wickedness and sighed to herself. "Has the whole world gone corrupt? Is there nothing that is clean and pure anymore?". Suddenly Dawn was struck with an epiphany. "There is... there is one thing... but is it too late?"

Dawn took a left on Paulson dr. and began to head home again. She drove home quickly, without breaking speed limits, since such actions are immoral. She returned to her home and quickly ran upstairs to her room, kneeling down in the dark and clutching her hands togehter as hard as they could. She than began to speak directly to the lord.

Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed are thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God.
Pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

As soon as the final sylable left her lips, she felt a great weight be left from her shoulders. For the first time in her life she felt like she was a decent and worthwile person. A smile came to her lips as she formulated a more personal prayer, asking the Lord for forgiveness for her sins, asking for help in her daily trials and tribulations. She then aired some grievances about her friends with the lord and he listened. She thanked the lord and rose up from her bed with a grin from ear to ear on her face. She felt like a human being. With her life of sin and wickedness renounced, she felt clean and fresh. She then climbed into bed and tried to get to sleep as soon as possible- she couldn't wait to show up to her local Church of Scientology to hear the sermon, she wanted to get up early to get the best seats in the house to hear the lord's message.



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