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A new year | deathofcards | 1


Marcus was barely even ten years old on the day that would change his life forever. He was an orphan taken into foster care at young age, a liaison between two people barely beyond being children themselves. None of this meant that he was an unhappy child, granted he never had the newest clothes or the latest toys and never had a great deal of friends but he was at least loved by the people who took care of him.

He lived in a run-down suburb of San Francisco. Marcus was playing in his yard when the man approached him. He failed to see him approach and he could have been there for several minutes before Marcus realised he was watching him. Slowly out of the corner of his eye he noticed the man dressed in bright orange. He did not think there was anything odd about how the man was dressed, nor did he think it unusual to see someone passing by the back lot of his house.

“Hey, kid. I could use a little help.” The man told him.

“Mrs Weathers says that I shouldn't talk to strangers.” Marcus replied.

“Then she's a sensible woman, but I ain't gonna hurt ya. I'm just a guy who's had a run of bad luck an I need some help.” The man said.

“As long as I'm not going to get into any trouble mister.” Marcus said nervously.

The man smiled at him. “Thanks, kid. Now I'm sure your Ma has some tools in that house. All I need is to borrow a hacksaw for a little while and then I'll be on my way.”

“Okay mister I'll see what I can do.” Marcus responded. He ran back into the house and was back within five minutes clutching a slightly rusty saw in one hand. Marcus handed the man the hacksaw.

“You're a gent kid.” The man took the hacksaw from Marcus gratefully. He disappeared out off sight for around ten minutes and when he came back had a wide grin on his face. He handed the saw back to Marcus.

“I'll pay you back some day kid.” The man said as he ran off down an alley.

Marcus never really thought much on his strange encounter with the man in orange that day. When he was a little older he couldn't help but smile at what had happened that day.

Eight years later.

Marcus still could not believe it. He was sat on a bus which was slowly making its way up the drive of Arvin Steiner University. He felt like he had been living in a daydream ever since the day he opened the letter telling him he was being awarded a scholarship here. Marcus had been a little confused by it as he was never a student who excelled in his grades but still here he was. He had looked the place up on the internet and what he found was surprising to say the least. While not a very well known a university Arvin Steiner was one held in very high regard and counted some very powerful movers and shakers among its alumni.

No longer the ungainly child of his youth, Marcus had put a fair amount of time into getting into a decent shape, he now boasted a fairly well muscled tone. The bus pulled to a stop and the occupants excitedly hurried off. Marcus stepped off into his new world, he took a moment to take in the view to his right was the administration building where all the new students were meant to go first. He could see several buildings around the place and surrounding it was a lush park land. From what he remembered of the brochure for the University it was fairly off the beaten track but housed on several square kilometres of land. From what he knew it was a big place.

He gathered up his bags and headed off to the administration building. Inside were several fairly big queues of students lining up in front of several desks were people were handing out packs. The information Marcus had been sent stated he needed to be in queue A, which was over to his left. Marcus joined the queue which was moving very slowly. After what seemed like half an hour he was eventually at the head of queue.

Sat behind the desk were two girls a blonde and an Asian girl with dyed pink hair. Marcus had never been a hit with the ladies as he was always just a little too shy. He studied the girls for a moment but did not want to seem like he was ogling them. Both could easily be described as cute the blonde had piercing blue eyes. She had long blonde hair, which seemed to cascade down her back. She was wearing a tight shirt and her breasts pressed up tightly against it. Marcus was sure she was not wearing a bra. The Asian girl had a halter neck top on and had clearly smaller breasts than the blonde. Her hair was a bright pink and was framed on either side of her face. Both girls were wearing name badges the blonde was called Mary and the Asian girl Amy.

“Hi, can I help you?” The blonde asked distracting Marcus.

“Err... yeah I'm kind of new here.” Marcus replied.

Mary giggled at Marcus' comment. “I kind of guessed that what with this being where all the new students have to come. What's your name?”

Marcus smiled at her. “Right, yeah. Marcus Waters.”

“Well nice to meet you Marcus. I'm Mary. Let's find your introduction pack shall we.” Mary replied grinning at him.

Mary reached into a box by the side of her desk and after several moments of searching retrieved a large folder. She opened it, pulling out a piece of paper. Her face lit up as she read it. She placed the paper back in the folder and handed it to Marcus.

“This is your introduction pack. It also contains your room key and a few other important items. Most importantly though your in Dakota House, which is my house and you are on my floor as well. So you'll be living with the cool kids.” Mary told him.

“Well that's good to hear.” Marcus said.

“I know what it's like to be the newbie so I'll show you where Dakota is.” Mary turned to her friend “I'm going to show Marcus where he'll be living from now, are you going to be okay on your own Amy?”

“Sure, sweetie.” Amy replied giving Mary a knowing look.

Mary led Marcus across the campus not stopping to show him the sights. After a few minutes they arrived at Dakota house. Dakota was large five storey red brick building. Marcus could see several new students heading into the building. He followed Mary as she led him inside. They walked into a lounge area with several sofas and very big flat screen television. Marcus was sure he could see a pool table as well.

“The kitchen's just off to the right. We've each got our own little cupboard as well but most of us just tend to eat in the cafeteria.” Mary informed him. “Anyway we're up on the fifth floor.”

Marcus followed Mary up the stairs trying not to be mesmerised by her ass as they walked. She sashayed her hips in a tiny little skirt as she walked. Marcus was fairly sure that she was not wearing any panties either. Mary led him up to the fifth floor and down to room 506, which Marcus could only assume was his room. He quickly took his key out of the folder and opened the room. In attempt to seem gentlemanly he held the door open for Mary.

The two of them stepped inside. Marcus was taken aback when he entered the room. The room was very grand at least three times the size of his bedroom back home. In one corner was king size bed with a large cupboard and chest of drawers. One the other side of the room was a large sofa in front of a medium sized flat screen television. Next to that was a computer desk, which atop of it was a very impressive looking machine. He also noticed a fridge in the far corner of the room. Finally he noticed the door leading to his en suite bathroom.

“This room's better than mine and this is my third year. I'm so jealous.” Mary squealed in excitement.

“There's no way this can be my room I can barely afford any of this stuff.” Marcus exclaimed.

“Ohhh a mystery.” Mary giggled.

Mary turned to face Marcus and there was a definite look of lust in her eyes. She licked her lips sexily. “ Do you want me to suck your cock” Mary asked him.

Marcus could only stare at her in disbelief. He had never known a girl to be so forward with him. Taking his lack of response to be an answer in itself Mary dropped to her knees in front of Marcus. He was still in shock as she started to undo his jeans. She fished his cock out and let a squeal in excitement “You're a big guy. I love big guys”

Mary started to jerk Marcus' length with one hand and bringing it to her lips and began to slowly circle her tongue around the tip. He let out a low moan at the feeling of her tongue on his cock. Mary started to jerk him a little faster and slowly took the tip of his cock into her mouth, she wrapped her lips around it gently and started to suck on him lightly. As Marcus' moaning increased he ran one hand slowly through Mary's hair encouraging her to blow him faster.

Mary pouted and took him deeper into her mouth, she increased the pressure on his cock sucking him harder. She let her hand fall from his shaft and undid her shirt, slowly button by button exposing her C cup milky white breasts to Marcus. He reached down and caressed her breasts with his hands as she continued to suck on his cock. He pinched her light pink nipples slightly making Mary moan on his cock.

She took him fully in her mouth sucking him as hard as she could. This made Marcus' let out a deep moan, he had never experienced a blowjob like this before and was fairly sure he would not last much longer. Mary started to rub his balls as continued to suck on Marcus' length. She let his cock slip from her mouth letting her lips trace down the shaft slowly.

“You can come in my mouth Marcus. I like it when guys do that.” Mary told him hornily.

Marcus started to rub Mary's breasts more forcefully causing her to let out a low groan. She took him fully back into her mouth sucking him hard once more. Marcus could feel his orgasm start to rise. Mary sensed this as well and slowly started to work his cock in and out of her mouth. He let out a loud cry as he started to spurt in her mouth. Mary felt several blasts of his seed hit the back of her throat and tongue, greedily swallowing it down. Feeling his orgasm wane Mary let Marcus slip from her mouth and as she did a little trickle of cum dribbled out of her mouth and onto her breasts.

Mary looked up at Marcus “That was fun.”

She stood up doing her shirt back up and made her way over to the door. Marcus stood there still in a daze his cock still hanging out. Mary grinned at him. “Well I've got to get back to Amy. The orientation meeting should be in about an hour. It's over in the main university building just follow the crowd and you'll be fine. Most importantly though Marcus whatever you do, do not put on the bracelet in the introduction pack at least not yet anyway. I'm in Room 502 if you ever need me for anything. And next time Marcus I'll let you fuck me.” Mary blew him a kiss as she sauntered out of the room.

He still could not believe what had just happened. He realised it might be an idea to put his cock back in his jeans. Marcus grabbed his introduction pack from where he had left it on the floor. He glanced through the various pieces of information in there. Most of it was information on the university, he found a map which would be useful and what appeared to be his class schedule all of the classes seemed to be fairly standard except one Sexual Education. Inside the pack was also the bracelet Mary mentioned made of plastic, fairly solid and purple. He wondered what was so significant that Mary did not want him to wear it.

Marcus realised this was a very interesting place and he certainly had a lot of questions regarding it. The top of his list was exactly why he had a room this nicely furnished. He lay back on his bed pondering all of these mysteries.

Time passed and Marcus found himself heading out to the main university building for the orientation meeting. There was quite a heavy crowd headed there he was sure it must have been around a hundred strong. He joined the pack and headed inside, following the signs round various corridors through to a large ornate hall. Lining the walls were painting of various men and women. An aisle divided two sets of chairs on either side of the large hall. Marcus guessed there was around fifty seats on each side. He weaved his way through the crowd and sat himself roughly in the middle on the left hand side. On his left was a gorgeous redhead with a pale complexion wearing a tight summer dress. To his right was a fairly stocky well built black guy.

Marcus surveyed the room and in front of them was a stage with a lectern in the centre of it. At the back of the stage were nine seats all of which were vacant at present. The room was awash of the various conversations of the people sat near him. Eventually a woman dressed in a smart black business suit entered the room and walked down the aisle heading up to the pulpit. She was dressed in a prim manner but carried off an air of sexiness at the same time. Marcus guessed her to be in her late thirties or very early forties, regardless she was certainly very attractive.

“Good afternoon and welcome to Arvin Steiner ladies and gentleman.” The woman said addressing the room. “Some of you may already be aware, but for those of you who are not I am Principal Winters.

As Principal Winters spoke four women and four men entered the room. Similarly attired to the Principal they all headed onto the stage and sat down on the seats behind the pulpit.

Principal Winters waited a moment before resuming her introduction. “Some of you may know of the history of this fine establishment, some of you may not. Unfortunately for those that do you will have to sit through this. The university was founded in 1921 by Arvin Steiner a man of great vision. Son of a a wealthy Belgian industrialist he first arrived on these shores in 1919. He long had dreams of creating a more unique place of education, a place where certain human desires would be encouraged rather than inhibited. Through secret dealings with the American government he bought this land where he could build his dream. Technically this is its own nation which is why we can achieve Steiner's dream.”

“You see Steiner believed that when a person is allowed to embrace their innermost desires, only then will they be able to achieve the greatest of results. Since the university was founded we have had some of the most powerful and most influential members of society within our alumni. To date three Presidents have been within our ranks and thankfully none of them Republicans.” Winters continued.

“However I suspect that might be a little too subtle for some of you. The desires Steiner talked about were those of the libido. Here at this establishment we fully encourage intimate relations between students. This is the purpose of the bracelets, when one wears it, that person is making them open to other students as a potential partner. Of course it is always polite to ask first, but also considered highly rude to turn down such an offer. After all it is through these unions that will lead to you achieving great things.”

“We do not frown on same sex couplings either. In general though it is assumed that it may be impolite to ask for such a union. We hope though that regardless of the union you will choose to remain safe, we will not police you to ensure contraception is used however they are freely available if required. We also ask for some discretion in these matters as well, open coupling in public areas while not discouraged is not strictly endorsed either.”

“It also cannot be one rule for one and one rule for another either so the staff also do wear these bracelets. We also permit the use of alcohol and some minor substances as well. Although we only allow the consumption of marijuana, any student caught with anything stronger will be expelled.” Winters explained.

“I shall now introduce the faculty heads to you from left to right. First is Professor Roberts head of English.”

A well toned man in his mid-thirties waved to the crowd.

“Next Professor Wood head of health and sexual education.”

A very cute brunette who could only be in her mid-twenties smiled at the audience. Marcus was sure she seemed familiar.

“Next Professor Poésy our head of languages who hails from Toulouse.”

Poésy was a stunning blonde she had very vivid brown eyes and a very classical beauty to her, she playfully blew a kiss to the crowd.

“Next Proffer Davis head of humanities.”

Davis was an elderly looking black man whose hair was a very stark white colour.

“Next Professor Kurosawa head of mathematics.”

A middle aged Japanese man addressed the crowd with a slight bow.

“Next Proffer Raine head of performing arts”

A striking redhead with long hair surveyed her new students.

“Next Proffer Davidson head of sciences.”

A young looking white man with dyed blonde hair looked over the crowd with what looked like a sense of disdain.

“Finally Professor Banks head of Art and media production.”

A beautiful blonde eyed the crowd hungrily.

“That concludes the introduction ladies and gentleman. Please return to your rooms and try to exert a little self-control on your first night at Arvin Steiner, you do have all year to enjoy your yourselves and lectures do start tomorrow. Dismissed.” Winters concluded.

Marcus got up out of his seat and attempted to start making his way out of the room. As everyone seemed to be having the same idea he thought it best to wait awhile

“Sup, bud. This sure does seem like one hell of a place. I can't wait to get out and do some exploring. The name's Damon by the way.” The black guy said in a Bronx accent..

Marcus extended his hand to Damon who shook it warmly. “Pleased to meet you Damon I'm Marcus. I can't wait to see more of this place.”

“Of course when you guys say 'more of this place' and 'do some exploring' you really mean try to fuck any girl wearing a bracelet. The redhead interjected. The girl had a clear Irish brogue to her voice. “I'm Meave by the way pleased to meet you boys'”

Damon and Marcus could not help but laugh at Meave's interjection. “Well when you put it like that girl... that might be about right.” Damon replied.

“Which house are you guys in?” Marcus asked.

“I'm in Dakota.” Replied Meave.

“Same here.” Marcus informed her.

“I'm in Michigan.” Damon answered

As the room emptied the three of them started to make their way out of the building. They started making their way towards Dakota house.

“So where you guys from? As for me you can probably tell from my Bronx drawl.” Damon asked.

“All the way from Cork in the Republic or Ireland.” Maeve replied.

“And me I'm from San Francisco.” Marcus told them.

“All the way from the Emerald Isle huh'? Damon asked Maeve.

“Yeah my Dad was a student here once. Although he never told me the full details of the place only that it would be enlightening experience.

“You mean lots of horny guys wanting to slip you the length?” Damon joked.

“Yeah, I kind of think he left that part out on purpose. She laughed in response

“Shit, Ireland and New York... I've barely even been out of San Fran until now.” Marcus muttered.

“Well it's a whole new world for us to explore bud.” Damon replied.

The three of them had arrived back at Dakota house. “Well I guess I'll catch you guys later. Stay safe kids.” Damon said waving goodbye to Maeve and Marcus.

The two of them headed into the building. “I'm on the third floor and I'm going to get a quick shower before I decided what I'm going to do tonight... or who I'm going to do tonight. Stop by sometime Marcus.” Maeve said giving Marcus a hug before running off upstairs.

A shower sounded like a tempting idea Marcus headed on upstairs. He wandered down the corridor and into his room. He sat down on the bed and started considering his options as to what he wanted to do tonight.


What does Marcus do next?



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