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Changing the grade | deathofcards | 2


The bell rang to signal the end of the school day. Most of the students could not wait to get out of there, some where even gone from the room before the bell had finished. looked over at Mindy who was busy queuing up some music on her I-pod. suspected she had probably been listening to it all class but generally turned a blind eye.

“Mindy, could you wait behind after a class for a moment?” said .

A look of contempt crossed her face and she kept on walking. School was out and there was no way she was having some square of a teacher cutting into her time. She heard him call her a second time and very reluctantly stopped to find out what it was he wanted.

“What do you want ?” She snarled.

“I hope this won't take long.” responded.

was hardly surprised at her aggression. Last year Mindy had been suspended for hitting a teacher and from what he heard that teacher had done even less than what he was doing now. He waited for the remaining students to file out of the room and walked over to the door, locking it. Barely even giving Mindy a second glance walked back over to desk, sitting on top of it facing Mindy. He looked her over for a moment Mindy had shoulder length black hair with red and blue streaks in it. Her lips were full and sensuous. could not help taking glance at her breasts encased in a spaghetti strap top. Mindy took great pleasure in showing her body off and wearing the skimpiest outfits possible.

“Ah, yes the attitude one of many reasons you're quite probably going to fail this year Mindy. Let alone the generally piss poor standard of your work and your behaviour towards other students and faculty members. I'm fairly sure you have a record longer than anyone else at this school. Personally I really don't see why you haven't been fucking expelled yet” Replied curtly.

There was a genuine look of surprise on Mindy's face. She really was not expecting any teacher to talk to her in such a way. “So fucking what, you wouldn't have the balls to do anything about it. I don't need this place or an education. You see I'm in a band and we'll be hitting the big time way before I'm out of here”. Mindy smirked

was well aware of Mindy's band. A dire hardcore punk band. The rumour was her audition mostly consisted of how willing she was to blow all the guys in the band... all of them allegedly. “How clichéd you always see your teachers as the enemy. Well just this once Mindy I'm here to help. I have a way you can improve your grades, something to fall back on in case the music doesn't work out.” replied.

“If you expect me to do extra credit work, you can just fucking stick it” Mindy hissed.

could not stop himself from smiling she really was beautiful when she was angry. “It's far simpler than Mindy. In fact it would require hardly any work on your part and if the rumours are to be believed it will put your skills to work quite well.” said .

“Spit it out I don't have all day” Mindy replied.

“It's a simple premise really Mindy. I will change your grade if you give me a sexual favour in return. Simply put if you were to perform oral sex on me I will give you a C. If you want a B then I get to fuck you. An A would mean that I get to have anal sex with you and finally I could give you an A+ but you would have to do something really special for that” responded .

For the first time Mindy smiled. “And I thought this was going to be hard work.”

“Well I'm glad that you're so willing to consider the offer Mindy” replied.

“Sure I'll let you fuck me for a better grade.” Mindy replied sultrily.

“So the important question is which grade do you want?”


Does Mindy pick C, B, A or A+?

          Mindy wants a B...

          Mindy wants an A

          Mindy goes for a different 'B': blackmail


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