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Changing the grade | deathofcards | 2


The bell rang to signal the end of the school day. Most of the students could not wait to get out of there, some where even gone from the room before the bell had finished. looked over at Evelyn who was very quickly trying to get out of the room.

“Evelyn, could you wait behind after a class for a moment?” said .

A look of annoyance crossed the face of the cheerleader. Evelyn knew she was hardly a model student but never really did anything to get herself into trouble. She hoped this was going to be quick as otherwise she was going to be late meeting Becky and Dani.

“You'll have to make this quick Sir I have cheer practice soon.” She replied a lie of course.

“I hope this won't take long.” responded.

waited for the remaining students to leave. This seemed to make Evelyn even more annoyed, sensed her annoyance and deliberatly delayed doing anything for a moment. He stayed sat behind his desk for a minute leaving the Asian cheerleader to stew. Slowly he got up from his desk and went to lock the classroom door.

“I realise Evelyn that you must be curious as to why I need to see you. I'll be honest Evelyn you're not an excellent student or a mediocre student, but your grades always seem to be in a constant cycle of rise and decline. It's obvious that you never put in a great deal of effort and spend more time on cheering and hanging out with the rest of the squad” told her.

For a slight moment it actually looked like she was going to scream at him, clearly Evelyn believed her position on the cheer squad bought her special privileges. “I do my best Mr , I may not always have the greatest amount of time to devote to my studies, but I do what I can but I'm not going to give up my position on the squad I really hope you're not thinking of failing me I do need this class and I need a good grade

“Well I'm here to help Evelyn in anyway that I can. I asked you to stay behind as I have an offer to make you regarding how you can improve your grades.” replied.

The look of annoyance left Evelyn, a wry smile began to cross her beautiful Asian face. “Well I'm willing to accept whatever help you can offer me Sir, however I don't have enough time to do all my work now let alone extra credit work.” She replied bluntly

“Actually Evelyn it's a far more easier option than what you have just suggested. You see the honest thing is I used to care so much about the futures of my students, these days I just feel burned out, like I'm not getting anything out of this job any more The opportunity I'm going to offer you Evelyn as to how you can change your grade well benefit both of us.” replied honestly.

“I'm sure we can work something out Mr .” Evelyn said..

“It's a simple premise really Evelyn. I will change your grade if you give me a sexual favour in return. Simply put if you were to preform oral sex on me I will give you a C. If you want a B then I get to fuck you. An A would mean that I get to have anal sex with you and finally I could give you an A+ but you would have to do something really special for that” responded .

A grin crossed Evelyn's face. “Why did I suspect that's what your offer was going to be. A dirty old teacher wanting to fuck the hot cheerleader? That would certainly beat having to do any extra class work” she purred.

“Well I'm glad that you're so willing to consider the offer Evelyn” replied smiling at the cheerleader.

“Well I'm just hoping you have the stamina to keep up with me. I don't think you can handle me” Evelyn replied teasingly.

“So the important question is which grade do you want?”


Does Evelyn pick C, B, A or A+?

          Evelyn takes a B

          Evelyn'll suck your cock, but...


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