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Changing the grade | deathofcards | 2


The bell rang to signal the end of the school day. Most of the students could not wait to get out of there, some where even gone from the room before the bell had finished. looked over at Stephanie who was slowly gathering her things together amidst the hustle and bustle of the other students.

“Stephanie, could you wait behind after a class for a moment?” said .

She looked genuinely bewildered at the remark. Stephanie had never put a foot wrong during her entire time at the school. She kept herself to herself and worked hard at her grades. She honestly could not think of a reason as to why Mr wanted her to stay behind.

“O..okay Sir I can spare a few moments.” Stephanie replied nervously.

“This shouldn't take long Stephanie.” responded.

waited for the remaining students to leave and quickly got up and locked the classroom door. This seemed to make Stephanie even more nervous, sensed her anxiety and hoped he would be able to put her at ease. He wandered back over to the over side of the room and sat on his desk facing Stephanie.

“I suspect Stephanie that you're curious as to why I've asked you to stay behind. You see for the past few months myself and other members of the faculty have noticed a clear and consistent drop in the quality of your school work. I've always considered you to be one of my top students, if not my top student but this term your assignments have been.... how can I put this something of a disappointment” told her.

For a slight moment there was a clear look of hurt in Stephanie's face, she tried to muster up a smile but just failed to do so. “I've been having a bad time of late Mr , there are things going on at home and I think my parents might get divorced. I've really been trying not to let it get in the way of my school work but clearly it's having an effect. I'm just not really sure what to do about it” Stephanie replied.

“Well I'm here to help Stephanie in anyway that I can. I asked you to stay behind as I have an offer to make you regarding how you can improve your grades.” replied.

A smile crossed Stephanie's lips. “I'm quite happy to take as much extra credit work as possible Sir.” Stephanie said warmly.

“Actually Stephanie it's a far more easier option than what you have just suggested. You see the honest thing is I used to care so much about the futures of my students, these days I just feel burned out, like I'm not getting anything out of this job any more The opportunity I'm going to offer you Stephanie as to how you can change your grade well benefit both of us.” replied honestly.

“I'm not exactly sure what you mean Mr .” Stephanie said quizzically.

“It's a simple premise really Stephanie. I will change your grade if you give me a sexual favour in return. Simply put if you were to preform oral sex on me I will give you a C. If you want a B then I get to fuck you. An A would mean that I get to have anal sex with you and finally I could give you an A+ but you would have to do something really special for that” responded .

A look of complete shock crossed Stephanie's face. “ that is completely inappropriate I could get you fired for just suggesting such an idea.” Stephanie sternly replied.

“You need this Stephanie and I'm offering you an easy grade here and I'm really not asking much in return.” replied.

The lock of shock disappeared slowly from her face. Stephanie was silent for a moment and thought maybe she was beginning to consider the idea. There was a slight pause as she began to open her mouth “Okay Sir, you are offering me an easy grade here and a quick way out I...really never thought I would ever say this but I'll take your offer” Stephanie replied with a look of defeat on her face.

smiled over at Stephanie. “So the important question is which grade do you want Stephanie?”


Does Stephanie pick C, B, A or A+?

          Stephanie wants a C

          Stephanie needs a B at least.


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